You can change the Si token authentication time-out in Ops Center Administrator.
- Log in to the virtual appliance manager at https://ip-address/vam.
- Click Service Settings.
- Change si.token.expirationDuration to any value suitable for your system, for example 6000. The duration setting is in seconds.
- Click Submit.
Note: If Ops Center Administrator is registered in Ops Center Common Services and both are running v10.9.0 or later, the token expiration configured in Ops Center Common Services is reflected in si.token.expirationDuration automatically. In this case, you cannot change si.token.expirationDuration from Ops Center Administrator.Note: In Ops Center Administrator, if you do not operate the UI for the time set for si.token.expirationDuration, you are logged out automatically. In the Jobs window, because it is periodically and automatically refreshed for the first 20 minutes, you are logged out after the time set for si.token.expirationDuration + 20 minutes.