Verify that the Ops Center Administrator server meets or exceeds the minimum requirements to take advantage of all the Ops Center Administrator features.
Minimum system requirements (Docker and Podman)
Server | Minimum requirements |
Hypervisor operating system | VMware® ESXi 7.0 or higher, Microsoft Hyper-V, Linux KVM Note:
Container runtime version for installation from tar file | Docker
Version 3.3.x, 3.4.x, 4.0.x, 4.1.x, 4.2.x, and 4.4.x. |
Operating system for installation from tar file Linux | Docker Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x and Oracle Linux 7.x PodmanRed Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1, 8.2, 8.4, 8.6, 8.8, and 9.2 Oracle Linux 8.1, 8.2, 8.4, 8.6, 8.8, and 9.2 For details on specific supported versions of Linux, see the Compatibility matrix. Note: Supported versions of Podman dependent libraries are:
Access for installation from tar file | Root user |
Recommended drive type | SSD or a higher performance drive type |
Available disk space |
In addition, a total of 10 GiB temporary, available space is required for installation using the application installer. This consists of 10 GiB under /var/tmp. |
Memory | The required RAM and swap memories are determined according to the system requirements based on system scale.
Note: Because more swap memory is used instead of physical memory compared to earlier versions, the response of some APIs and graphical user interfaces can be slower immediately after installation or when you perform an operation that you have not used for a long time. To improve performance, we recommend applying the following memory settings:
Note: Ops Center Administrator v10.9.1 and later can manage a large number of resources, such as number of storage systems or volumes, with the fixed memory size. If you upgrade from a previous version to v10.9.1 or later, any changes that you made to the memory settings by using the following commands are automatically updated to the required settings:
CPU | 4 vCPUs |
A client computer that can run a supported browser | One of the following:
Note: The above listed browsers are supported by Ops Center Administrator. If you want to launch another management tool from Ops Center Administrator, verify the support browsers of required management tool.
Requirements for using program products
To use Hitachi Dynamic Tiering for pools and Hitachi Thin Image for snapshots, make sure that the licenses are available and shared memory is installed.