Adding the first Virtual Storage Software block

Ops Center Administrator Getting Started Guide

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You must onboard a storage system the first time you start Ops Center Administrator.

  • Onboarding and operating Virtual Storage Software block on Ops Center Administrator needs a storage user account which has all roles of Security, Storage, Monitor, Service and Resource. Verify that the storage username and password used to onboard a storage system in Ops Center Administrator has all the roles.
  • Verify representative IP address of the storage cluster.
  1. On the Ops Center Administrator dashboard, click the plus sign (+) to add a storage system.
  2. Enter values for the following parameters in the Onboard Storage System window.
    IP Address:
    Enter the representative IP address of the storage cluster.
    User name and password:
    Log in as a user who has all roles of Security, Storage, Monitor, Service, and Resource.
  3. Click Submit.
  4. (Optional) Onboard other storage systems.

The Jobs tab is updated with a job called Create Storage System. If you are adding multiple storage systems, a job is created for each one. It takes time for Ops Center Administrator to add the storage system. Refresh the Jobs window to verify that the storage system has been onboarded.