Server replacement requirements

NAS Platform Series 5000 Hardware Reference

Part Number

Consider the following server replacement requirements:

  • Much of the process required for a server replacement is the same as what is covered in installation and configuration training.
  • Determine which replacement scenario is being encountered. The replacement process is different for each scenario.
Note: Replacement servers are shipped without an embedded system management unit (SMU), so you must install the SMU before you can connect to a stand-alone server.
You can use a keyboard, video, and mouse (KVM) device or a serial cable to connect to the serial port. Bring these with you just in case they are needed when the unit arrives. If you connect to the serial port, use the following SSH client settings:
  • 115,200 b/s
  • 8 data bits
  • 1 stop bit
  • No parity
  • No flow control
  • VT100 emulation