Handling a failure during a transfer of primary access

Replication and Disaster Recovery Administration Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number

If a failure occurs during a transfer of primary access:

  • The target file system is not brought online in place of the source.
  • The source remains accessible and usable to network clients.
  • There is no attempt to rollback after a failure.
  • The replication process performs as many actions as possible, but leaves the replication policy in place.
  • A partially failed final replication does not remove the replication policy/schedule.
  • The system administrator can usually resolve the issue that caused the failure, then run transfer primary access again.
For example, when replicating several SMB shares, one share fails to be replicated, but the others are replicated successfully:
  • The share that failed is logged to a simple text file (which is viewable from the File Replication Report page).
  • All other shares that were successfully recreated are brought online, and deleted from the source.
  • When complete, the system administrator sees the error message and then views the text file using the File Replication Report page).
  • Viewing the text file, the administrator sees that the share could not be created on the target, perhaps because the name is already in use. The system administrator can delete the named share, either from the source or the target, and then transfer primary access again, this time successfully.