IPv6 and non-file serving interfaces

Network Administration Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number

On the NAS server, an IPv6 address can be configured on the Admin Services Node - eth0 or eth1. However, on the SMU, IPv6 addresses are only configurable on eth0 and not on eth1. This is because on an external SMU, only eth0 is considered to be a public interface. The eth0 interface must always retain an IPv4 address. The IPv6 configuration is in addition to the IPv4 configuration.

The Administrator can configure a static IPv6 IP address for an external SMU as shown in the example below or use the SLAAC option where the address is generated from router advertisements.

The Administrator can use this address to launch the external SMU GUI (NAS Manager) and it also enables the external SMU to manage a server with an IPv6 Admin Services Node address.