Detecting network issues

Network Administration Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number

The server contains an automatic diagnosis system which identifies, categorizes, and prioritizes problems and then presents the information to the user through the console.

To activate the diagnosis system, use the trouble command.

This command contains 'groups' which refer to parts of the server and its storage. For example, there is a Network group and a Storage group. Trouble also contains 'reporters'. These are individual programs that investigate issues within the groups.

For example, the Network group contains the following reporters:

CLUSTER-2:$ trouble --list-reporters network
Group   Reporter           Pri Brd Subject of warnings
-----   --------           --- --- -------------------
network aggregation        170 MMB Aggregation status
network network-statistics 180 MMB Network interface statistics
network nim-vlsi           190 MMB NIM VLSIsettings
network network-interfaces 200 MMBNetwork interfaces link status
network remote-nfs         270 MMB RemoteNFS
network nisclient          280 MMB Nisclient status
network wins               290 MMB UnreachableWINS servers
network ip-eng-adv         300 MMB ipeng/ipadv status
network mac-cluster        340 MMB MAC_10status
network mac-network        340 MMB MAC_1status
network external-migration-protocol-errors 350 MMB External migration protocol errors
network packet-capture     380 MMB Checks that packet-capture is not running
network remote-http        400 MMB Remote HTTP

There are two types of reporters:

  • Fault reporters - these detect issues that can cause degradation of service.
  • Performance reporters - these detect performance values which are out-of-range (unexpectedly high or low).

This command operates over all cluster nodes unless configured otherwise.

Example of common command usage

The following command reports all issues with the network group.

trouble network

The report appears as shown in the example below:

Trouble command network report