Specifying name services

Network Administration Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number

  1. Navigate to Home > Network Configuration > Name Services to display the Name Services page.

    The following table describes the fields on this page:

    Field/Item Description
    EVS Security Context Displays the currently selected EVS security context. Changes to the name services using this page apply only to the currently selected EVS security context.
    • If an EVS uses the Global Configuration, any change made to the global configuration settings affects the EVS.
    • If an EVS uses an individual security context, changes made to the global configuration settings do not affect the EVS. To change the name services settings of an EVS using an individual security context, you must select the EVS' individual security context to make changes, even if those settings are the same as the settings used by the global security context.

      Click change to select a different EVS security context or to select the global configuration.

    DNS Servers Specifies the IP addresses of up to three DNS servers. If more than one DNS server is entered, the search is performed using the DNS servers in the order listed.
    DNS Domain Name Specifies the DNS domain name to use.
    Domain Search Order Enter a Domain suffix (for example, example.com) to use as a search keyword.
    When searching for a computer name, the DNS server searches using suffix order. For example, if the server contains the entries uk.example.com and us.example.com, a request for the IP address of a host named author generates a query for author.uk.example.com and then for author.us.example.com. However, the system does not search the parent Domain example.com.
    Note: The suffix, combined with a computer’s host name, makes up a fully qualified domain name.

    To append a suffix to the displayed list, click Add.

    To delete a suffix, select it from the displayed list, and then click X.

    When using multiple domain suffixes, select the search order for the suffixes by using the up and down arrows to change their order within the list box.

    WINS Servers To set up a primary WINS server, enter the IP address in the Primary WINS server field.

    If there is a secondary WINS server, enter the address in the Secondary WINS server field.

    apply Save your changes.
  2. Enter the requested information.
  3. Click apply to save your changes.
    Note: The new name service appears on the Name Services Order page.