Adding a cloud account

Data Migrator Administration Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number
  1. Navigate to Home > Storage Management > Data Migration Cloud Accounts to display the Cloud Accounts and Destination page.
  2. Under the Cloud Accounts section of the page, click add to display the Add Cloud Account page.

    The following table describes the fields on this page:

    Field/Item Description
    Cloud Account Name

    The name of the cloud account.


    This field identifies the cloud provider and the interpretation of remaining fields in the account definition. The options include:

    • Hitachi Content Platform
    • Hitachi Content Platform (S3)
    • Amazon S3
    • Microsoft Azure
    • S3 Cloud Object Storage
    • Test Provider

    Test Provider is an option that allows you to determine the outcome of the migration operation without actually moving data.

    Server Name
    • For Hitachi Content Platform and Hitachi Content Platform (S3), the server name is the fully qualified domain name of the HCP namespace for the account credentials provided. The namespace for use with HCP must have an assigned owner.
    • For Amazon S3, the server name is and is automatically inserted.
    • For Microsoft Azure, the server name is and is automatically inserted.
    • For S3 Cloud Object Storage, enter the endpoint name manually (for IBM see )
    • For Test Provider, leave this field blank.
    User Credential
    • For Hitachi Content Platform and Hitachi Content Platform (S3), this is the user name of a Data Access Account.
    • For Amazon S3, you must have an Identify and Access Management (IAM) account.
    • For Microsoft Azure, you must have an Azure storage account.
    • For S3 Cloud Object Storage, you must have a Cloud Object Storage account.
    • For Test Provider, enter test for the user credential.
    Secret Credential
    • For Hitachi Content Platform and Hitachi Content Platform (S3), this is the password of the Data Access Account that must have the read/write/delete/purge/search permissions to the user account.
    • For Amazon S3, this is the Secret Access Key.
    • For Microsoft Azure, this is the primary or secondary key.
    • For S3 Cloud Object Storage, this is the Secret Access Key.
    • For Test Provider, enter test for the secret credential.
  3. Enter the details of the account.
  4. Click OK to save the account details.