
Data Migrator Administration Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number

During virtualization the LNAS is the canonical store of the data. To ensure that there is no loss of data, if the live file system is damaged, it is necessary for backups/replications/snapshots to be configured on the LNAS. System administrators should ensure that they have sufficient backups/snapshots of the LNAS data set before connecting the HNAS.

While it is not necessary to have backups or replications configured for the HNAS during virtualization (because they would not contain any data that was not recoverable through the LNAS backup), it is recommended to configure these when the association is created. This reduces the risk of forgetting to start (or not knowing when to start) them when migration begins. It also allows time to be sure that everything is working correctly. Incremental backups/replication schedules started in the virtualization phase will pick up data added during the migration phase. When replicating during the virtualization phase, a message will appear in the replication log stating that "ingested files are excluded from this operation". This is normal.

In the event that recovery from a backup is required during the virtualization phase, the simplest course of action is listed below.
  1. Prevent client access.
  2. Delete the association, then remove all of the files/directories it created from HNAS. If the association was in the root of an HNAS file system, it is recommended that you format the file system after deleting the association. Use virtualization-delete-path --force command.
  3. Recover the LNAS from backup.
  4. Recreate the association.
  5. Start the virtualization.
  6. Allow client access.