Overview of Universal Migrator Capacity Based (UMC) license

Data Migrator Administration Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number

Before you can use Universal Migrator, the Universal Migrator Capacity (UMC) license must be installed. If you do not have a license key, contact customer support.

The Universal Migrator Capacity license:

  • Is based on total capacity in TBs for all virtualized file systems across the cluster.
  • Is fixed at the discovery phase of each association.
  • Periodically checks the total licensed capacity against the recorded size of all the virtualized associations. Once the initial virtualization of associations has completed, the only reason for a change in the actual licensable capacity would be:

    • The addition of new associations (increase).

    • The removal of existing associations (decrease).
    • The conversion of a virtualized association to a migration association (decrease).