Types of migration targets

Data Migrator Administration Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number

Data Migrator can move data to secondary storage attached directly to the storage server/cluster (a local migration), or to secondary storage attached to an external server that is not connected to the storage server/cluster (a remote migration).
Note: Performing a remote migration from one Enterprise Virtual Server (EVS) in a cluster to another EVS in the same cluster is not supported. The reason for this restriction is that it would be dangerous to configure migration from one EVS of a cluster to another EVS on the same cluster. The danger arises because, in the case of a failure of the destination (target) EVS, that failed EVS could fail over to the same node as the migration’s source EVS, which would cause all the migrated files to become inaccessible.

Local migrations provide the benefits described previously, and remote migrations extend the functionality of Data Migrator to allow storage administrators to free up local storage resources by migrating data to storage attached to a remote NFSv3 server or a cloud target such as Hitachi Content Platform (HCP). Data may also be migrated to a remote server for a variety of other reasons, including archival, deduplication, or policy-based retention, compliance, and access control. As with files migrated locally, when a client tries to read a file migrated to a remote server, the file is retrieved and sent to the client, so there is no indication to the client that the file is not in their local file system.

Note: A single migration path or operation can be made between local targets or remote targets, but not both local and remote targets.

Remote migrations are controlled by user defined policies, just like the policies created for local migrations. Only the paths to the secondary storage are different. Local migrations have paths to secondary storage that is attached to the same server/cluster that hosts the primary file system, while remote migrations have external paths (the secondary storage is attached to a remote server).

Note: A remote migration to a Hitachi Content Platform (HCP) or to a cloud target uses the HTTP/HTTPS protocol. A remote migration to any other remote server uses the NFS protocol.