Using NAS Manager tables

System Access Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number

Some pages in the NAS Manager interface use tables to present system information:

Web Manager Tables

Item Description
1 Filter displays any filtering in use for the table being displayed. To enable or change filtering, click filter.
2 Column labels
3 Show X Items per page

About Filtering

When you have a large number of items in a table, filtering allows you to specify criteria to limit the display of the items in the table to only those items matching the specified criteria. By default, filtering is disabled, but you can enable it by clicking filter.

The criteria used to filter items in the table depend on the items listed in the table. For example, when you click filter on the File Systems page, the file system filter dialog appears:

Filter file systems

You can filter by file system name, storage pool containing the file system, file system status, or file systems on a particular EVS.

When you click filter on the System Drives page, the system drive (SD) filter dialog appears:

Filter system drives

You can filter by SD access enabled or disabled, SD status, if the SD has mirrors, and several other criteria.

To change the filtering criteria, click reset, specify the new criteria to be used to filter the table items, then click OK.

To remove filtering, click reset, then click OK.