Storage pool chunks

Storage Subsystem Administration Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number

Storage pools are made up of multiple small allocations of storage called “chunks.”

The size of the chunks in a storage pool is defined when the storage pool is created, and a guideline chunk size is set. The guideline chunk size is between 500 MiB and 18 GiB. It determines the maximum size that the storage pool (span) can ever reach, because a storage pool can contain up to a maximum of 60,000 chunks.

Chunk size is an important consideration when creating storage pools. The size of the chunks in a storage pool is defined when the storage pool is created, and a guideline chunk size is set. The guideline chunk size is between 500 MiB and 18 GiB. It determines the maximum size that the storage pool (span) or file system can ever reach, because a storage pool or file system can contain up to a maximum of 60,000 chunks.

Larger chunks maximize scalability, but smaller chunks provide more granular file system expansion, because a file system always expands by a whole number of chunks.

If you create a storage pool using NAS Manager, the guideline chunk size is 18 GiB (the maximum allowable size). The default chunk size set by NAS Manager can be larger than the guideline chunk size calculated and suggested by the server if you created the storage pool using the CLI.

Note: When creating a storage pool using the HNAS server CLI, you can override the default guideline chunk size. When creating a storage pool using NAS Manager, you cannot change the guideline chunk size.