Understanding files-to-exclude statements

Replication and Disaster Recovery Administration Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number

Files-to-exclude statements contain expressions identifying directories or files to exclude from the replication. They can be written using the following guidelines:

  • The asterisk "*" can be used as a wildcard character to qualify path and file name values.

    In a path, "*" is only treated as a wildcard if it appears at the end of a value, for example: /path*.

    In a file name, a single * can appear at the beginning and or at the end of the value; for example, *song.mp*, *blue.doc, file*.

  • Parentheses (), spaces, greater than (>),and quotation marks (") are allowed around a file name or path list, but they will be treated as literal characters.
  • Path and file name can be defined together but must be separated by a comma (,); for example, subdir/path*,*song.doc,newfile*,/subdir2
  • The forward slash (/) is used as a path separator. As such, it must not be used in a file name list.
Note: customer support recommends creating the files-to-exclude list before the initial replication copy, and not changing it unless necessary. When running incremental updates, changes in the list do not act retroactively. For example, if a list initially excludes *.mp3 files, and the list is changed to remove this exclusion, new or changed mp3 files will now be replicated; however, any .mp3 files than have not changed since the previous replication copy will not be replicated.