Rolling back an incomplete replication

Replication and Disaster Recovery Administration Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number
Upon successful completion of a replication, the system takes a snapshot to preserve the state of the target file system. With this snapshot, if an offline source leads to failure of a subsequent replication, the target file system can be rolled back to the state of the last successful replication.

To rollback the target file system to the state of the last successful replication:

  1. Navigate to Home > Data Protection > File Replication to display the File Replication page.
  2. Click details for the failed replication to display its File Replication Schedule page, and click rollback.
    Note: Rollback should only be used when the target will be used as the live file system. If the replication’s source file system cannot be used as the live file system (either permanently or temporarily), users can access the latest available data on the replication target (the file system created by the last successful replication). There are two possible approaches:
    • If the target file system will be used as the live file system permanently, delete the replication policy and all related schedules (since the source will not be used for this replication again). You can then create new replication policies and schedules.
    • If the target file system will be used as the live file system temporarily, contact Hitachi Vantara Support Center for assistance in synchronizing the “old” (source) and the “new” (target) file systems before transferring access and resuming replication operations as implemented prior to the “rollback”.