Backing up and restoring SMB shares

File Service Administration Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number
When backing up and restoring SMB Shares:
  • All SMB Shares in all EVSs are backed up (except those in the CNS tree).
  • A SMB Share backup file is saved as a .txt file. The backup file contains the file system name and the share name, as well as most of the information about the share, including the settings for: Ensure Path Exists, Show Snapshots, Follow Symbolic Links, Force Filename to Lowercase, Virus Scanning, Cache Options, and Max Users.
When you restore SMB Shares from a backup file:
  • The restore operation does not modify or overwrite currently existing shares that have the same name.
  • With the exception noted above, all shares in the selected backup file are restored.

You can back up and restore SMB (CIFS) shares in the NAS Manager.

  1. Navigate to Home > File Services > CIFS Shares to display the CIFS Shares page.
  2. Click Backup & Recovery to display the CIFS Shares Backup & Restore page.

  3. To back up: Click backup. In the browser, specify the name and location of the backup file, and then click OK or Save (the buttons displayed and the method you use to save the backup file depend on the browser you use).
    A backup file name is suggested, but you can customize it. The suggested file name uses the syntax:

    CIFS_SHARES_date_time.txt, where the following example illustrates the appropriate syntax: CIFS_SHARES_Aug_4_2006_11_09_22_AM.txt

  4. To restore: Click restore. In the browser, the backup text file (CIFS_SHARES_date_time.txt) for the specific share(s) you want to restore, and then click Open. When the CIFS Export Backup & Restore page displays the name and location of the selected file, click Restore.