Enabling and disabling file system capacity and free space reporting based on virtual volume quotas

File Service Administration Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number

The file system capacity and free space reporting for virtual volume quotas option supports thin provisioning within a virtual volume. When this option is enabled and a virtual volume quota is created, capacity/free space counts returned to clients are derived solely from the virtual volume quota. This affects only those clients that have mounted an export or share within a virtual volume.

You may want to enable this option when data migration is configured. In this scenario, the primary file system could ingest more data than it has capacity itself for. You can define a quota for a virtual volume based on available capacity of migration target(s) and enable this feature so that the capacity defined by the quota is reported to protocol clients rather than the primary file system capacity/free space.
Note: This option is disabled by default.

Enabling file system capacity and free space reporting based on virtual volume quotas

  • To enable this option for the virtual volume vivol1 that resides on the file system fs1, issue the following CLI command:
    • fs-space-reporting-based-solely-on-vivol-quota --on fs1 vivol1

Displaying file system capacity and free space reporting based on virtual volume quotas

  • To get the current setting for the virtual volume vivol1 that resides on the file system fs1, issue the following CLI command:
    • fs-space-reporting-based-solely-on-vivol-quota fs1 vivol1

Disabling file system capacity and free space reporting based on virtual volume quotas

  • To disable this option for the virtual volume vivol1 that resides on the file system fs1, issue the following CLI command:
    • fs-space-reporting-based-solely-on-vivol-quota --off fs1 vivol1

See the Command Line Reference for more details.