Displaying file system details

File Service Administration Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number

You can view file system details using the NAS Manager.

  1. Navigate to Home > Storage Management > File Systems.
  2. Select a file system and click details to display the File System Details page.

    The following table describes the fields in this page:

    Field/Item Description
    Label Name of the file system, assigned upon creation and used to identify the file system when performing particular operations; for example, creating an export or taking a snapshot. To change the name of the file system, enter a new name and click rename.

    Displays information about the space allocation and usage for the file system. For a tiered file system, information about both the metadata and user data tiers is displayed. For an untiered file system, information about the total size of the file system is displayed.

    • % Total Used Space: Percentage of the file system’s total allocated space that has been used. This total reflects data and snapshots, if any.
    • Capacity: Total amount of formatted space (free + used space).
    • Free: Total amount of file system space unused (free), in GiB or TiB and as a percentage of the total.
    • Total Used: Total amount of file system space in use, in GiB or TiB and as a percentage of the total.
    • Expansion Limit: Defines the size limit up to which a file system can expand if auto-expansion is allowed, provided it accommodates the chunk size.
    • Live File System: Total space used by the file system data, in GiB or TiB and as a percentage of the total.
    • Snapshots: Total space used by snapshots of the file system, in GiB or TiB and as a percentage of the total. Where no snapshots exist, this is reported as '0 Bytes'.
      Note: Snapshot capacity is not shown for dedupe-enabled file systems.
    Tier 0 Meta‐data and Tier 1 User‐data
    Note: These areas are displayed only for tiered file systems.
    These areas display information about the space allocation and usage for the tiers making up the file system. The Tier 0 Meta‐data section describes information about the metadata tier. The Tier 1 User‐data section describes information about the user data tier.
    • % Total Used Space: Percentage of the file system’s total allocated space that has been used. This total reflects data and snapshots, if any.
    • Capacity: Total amount of formatted space (free + used space).
    • Free: Total amount of file system space unused (free), in GiB and as a percentage of the total.
    • Total Used: Total amount of file system space in use, in GiB and as a percentage of the total.

    If you change any of the auto‐expansion limits, click apply to make the changes effective.

    Status Current status of the file system, showing whether the file system is mounted or unmounted.
    Syslock Indicates whether the file system is in Syslocked mode (System Lock enabled), or if the file system is not in Syslocked mode (System Lock disabled).

    When System Lock is enabled for a file system, NDMP has full access to the file system and can write to it during a backup or replication, but the file system remains in read‐only mode to clients using the file service protocols (NFS, CIFS, FTP, and iSCSI).

    To enable/disable the System Lock for a file system, click enable or disable. When viewing the details of a read cache, the System Lock’s enable/disable button is not available.

    Object Replication Target Indicates whether or not the file system is formatted as an object replication target. A file system must be formatted as an object replication target in order to be the target of a replication.
    Transfer Access Points During Object Replication Indicates whether or not the file system is enabled to allow transfer access points (shares and/or exports) during an object replication. If disabled, click enable to allow the file system to transfer access points during an object replication. If enabled, click disable to prohibit the transfer of access points during an object replication.
    Transfer XVLs as Links During Object Replication Indicates whether or not the file system is enabled to transfer migrated files as links during an object replication, rather than transferring the file contents. If disabled, click enable to select this option. It can only be enabled when the file system is unmounted.
    Once enabled, this option cannot be disabled for the file system.
    Deduplication Indicates whether the file system is converted (supports deduplication) or not converted (does not support deduplication). Clicking on the status displays the Deduplication page.
    Thin Provisioning Indicates whether thin provisioning is enabled or disabled.
    EVS EVS to which the file system is assigned.

    If the file system is not currently assigned to an EVS, a list of EVSs (to which the file system can be assigned) appears. Select an EVS from the list and click assign.

    Security Mode Displays the file system security policy defined for the file system. Possible values are Mixed (Windows and Unix) or Unix. This may be followed by (Inherited), where the security mode is inherited from the EVS security mode and has not been manually changed. Clicking on the status displays the File System Security page.
    Block Size File system block size: 32 KiB or 4 KiB, as defined when the file system was formatted.
    Read Cache Indicates whether this file system is a read cache (Yes) or a regular file system (No).
    WFS Version Indicates the file system format.
    Usage Thresholds
    File System Usage

    Usage thresholds are expressed as a percentage of the space that has been allocated to the file system.

    When a threshold is reached, an event is logged and, depending on quota settings, an email may be sent. The Current line displays information on current usage for each of the following:

    • Live file system: Percentage threshold for space used by data.
    • Snapshots: Threshold for file system snapshots.
    • Entire file system: Threshold for the total of the live file system data and snapshots.

    You can use the edit boxes to specify the Warning and Severe thresholds:

    • The Warning threshold should be set to indicate a high, but not critical, level of usage.
    • The Severe threshold should be set to indicate a critical level of usage, a situation in which an out‐of‐space condition may be imminent.

    You can define both Warning and Severe thresholds for any or all of the following:

    • Live file system (data).
    • File system snapshots.
    • Total of the live file system and snapshots.

    Click apply to save the new settings.

    To ensure that the live file system does not expand beyond its Severe threshold setting, fill the Do not allow the live file system to expand above its Severe limit check box.

    Storage Pool

    The name of the storage pool in which the file system or read cache was created.

    This area also displays the following information:
    • Capacity: The total space allocated to the storage pool.
    • Free: The total storage pool free space, in MiB, GiB or TiB, and as a percentage of the total.
    • Used: The total storage pool used space, in MiB, GiB or TiB, and as a percentage of the total.
    Related File Systems

    Displays the name of any related file systems. A related file system is one that is either the:

    • Source of a migration or replication operation where this file system was the target of the operation.
    • Target of a migration or replication operation where this file system was the source of the operation.

    If there are related file systems, the start date/time of the most recent associated migration/replication will be displayed in the Last: field.

    Status File system status messages may be any of the following:
    • File system is not being checked or fixed.
    • Checking.
    • Fixing.

    You can start a check of the file system, or just part of the file system, using the Scope settings and the browse and check buttons.

    If one or more file system check/fix operations are in progress, click Active Tasks.


    The scope controls allow you to set the scope of a check by the entire file system or the directory tree.

    To check the whole file system, click the Entire File System radio button. This option is only available when the file system is not mounted.

    To check a part of the file system, click the Directory Tree radio button, then use the browse button to navigate to the part of the file system you want to check.

    Once you have set the scope, click check to start the check.

    The Cancel button requests that checkfs/fixfs be aborted.This is not a forceful cancellation, so the check/fix operation may not be aborted immediately.

    mount Use to mount the file system.
    Note: The server remembers which file systems were mounted when it shuts down, and mounts them automatically during system startup.

    unmount Use to unmount the file system.
    format Advances to the Format File System page. Not available when the file system is mounted.
    delete Use to delete the file system. Not available when the file system is mounted.
    expand Use to allocate more space to the file system.
    Data Migration Paths Advances to the Data Migration Paths page.
    File System Versions Advances to the File System Versions page.