Mandatory and advisory byte-range file locks in mixed mode

File Service Administration Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number

The server supports both SMB and NFS locks. The server supports only one type of byte range locking for SMB clients. For NFS clients, however, additional byte range lock types are supported. When created by NFSv2 and NFSv3 clients, the server supports both monitored (NLM/NSM) and non-monitored advisory byte-range locks. When created by NFSv4 clients, the server supports both mandatory and advisory byte range locks.

The following tables describe the server behavior when a client locks a file using a byte range lock:

  • Server default configuration (the server treats byte range locks by NFSv4 clients as mandatory):
    Locked by client of type Lock type when the client accessing the locked file is:
    NFSv2 or NFSv3 NFSv4 SMB
    NFSv2 or NFSv3 Advisory Mandatory Mandatory
    NFSv4 Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory
    SMB Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory
  • When the server is configured to treat byte range locks from NFSv4 clients as advisory:
    Locked by client of type Lock type when the client accessing the locked file is:
    NFSv2 or NFSv3 NFSv4 SMB
    NFSv2 or NFSv3 Advisory Advisory Mandatory
    NFSv4 Advisory Advisory Mandatory
    SMB Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory

To change the server configuration so that it treats NFSv4 byte-range locks as advisory, use the command set nfsv4-locking-is-advisory-only 1.

To change the server configuration so that it treats NFSv4 byte-range locks as mandatory, use the command set nfsv4-locking-is-advisory-only 0.