Modifying an iSCSI logical unit

File Service Administration Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number

You can modify an iSCSI logical unit in the NAS Manager.

  1. Navigate to Home > File Services > iSCSI Logical Units.
  2. Select the check box next to the iSCSI logical unit to modify and then click details.

    The following table describes the fields on this page:

    Field/Item Description
    EVS/File System

    Displays the EVS and file system hosting the LU.

    File System Free Capacity The amount of free space available in the file system.

    Indicates whether the LU is mounted or unmounted. It is possible to mount/unmount a LU while its underlying file system remains mounted. If the LU is not mounted, click mount to mount the LU. If the LU is mounted, click unmount to unmount the LU.

    Filling the Ensure the underlying file system exists when mounting check box will ensure that the underlying file system exists when the LU is mounted.

    Alias Name of the LU. You can change this name.
    Path to File

    The complete file system path to the LU file.

    Note: LUs appear as regular files in server file systems.
    Comment Use to provide descriptive information about the LU.

    Size of the LU. This value cannot exceed the amount of available free space on the configured file system.

    iSCSI Targets Opens the iSCSI Targets page, in which you can add, modify, and delete iSCSI Targets.
  3. Modify the fields as necessary.
  4. Click OK.