Adding a logical unit to an iSCSI target

File Service Administration Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number

You can add a logical unit to an iSCSI target in the NAS Manager.

  1. Navigate to Home > File Services > iSCSI Targets to display the iSCSI Targets page.
  2. Select the check box next to the target and then click details to display the iSCSI Target Details page.

    The following table describes the fields on this page:

    Field/Item Description

    Selector for EVS where LUs reside.

    EVS iSCSI Domain Displays the iSCSI Domain, which is the DNS domain used when creating unique qualified names for iSCSI Targets.
    Alias Name of the iSCSI Target.
    Comment Additional information about the iSCSI Target.
    Secret Password used to secure the Target from any unauthorized access. The initiator authenticates against this password when connecting to the Target. The secret should be greater than or equal to 12 characters, but less than 17 characters, in length. Although the secret may be between 1-255 characters in length, some iSCSI initiators will refuse to connect if the secret contains less than 12 characters or more than 16 characters.
    Enable Authentication

    Enable authentication of the iSCSI Target. By default, the check box is not filled. Filling or clearing the check box enables or disables authentication.

    When authentication is disabled, initiators are permitted to connect to the target and its LUs without needing to know the target's secret.

    Access Configuration

    The access configuration parameters.

    Available logical units The list of LUs available for assignment to the iSCSI Target. This list includes all LUs on the EVS. Some of these LUs may already be assigned to other targets.
    Selected LUN - LUN Name The list of LUs selected to be part(s) of the iSCSI Target.
    Logical Unit Number The number assigned to the LU (the LUN). Enter a Logical Unit Number in the range of 0-255.
    OK Saves configuration changes, and closes the page.
    cancel Closes the page without saving configuration changes.
  3. Select an LU from the Available Logical Units list, specify a number (0-255) in the Logical Unit Number field, and then click the right arrow to move the LU to the Selected Logical Units list.
    Note: You should make sure that the LU is not already assigned to a target.
  4. Click OK.