Physical SMU

Virtual SMU Installation and Upgrade Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number

Connect to the SMU

  1. Open a web browser to the Physical SMU
  2. Log in as admin; Enter the current password when prompted

Check the SMU code version installed on the Hardware SMU

  1. Verify the SMU code version:
    1. Click the <About> button in the upper right corner of the screen.

      The next screen will display the SMU Code version.

    2. If the version is not the Latest GA Release of SMU Code, proceed to the Upgrade the Hardware SMU (if the code version is below 13.x) and upgrade the SMU code version to the Latest GA Release.
    3. If the version is the Latest GA Release of SMU Code, skip the Upgrade the Hardware SMU (if the code version is below 13.x) and proceed to Backup the SMU configuration.

Upgrade the Hardware SMU (if the code version is below 13.x)

Note: Always upgrade the Hardware SMU to the latest GA Release of SMU code.
  1. Navigate to Home > SMU Administration > SMU Upgrade.
  2. Browse to the file SMUsetup_<latest-ga-code-version>_hds.iso.
  3. Click <apply>.

    Wait for the upgrade to complete and the SMU to reboot.

Backup the SMU configuration

  1. Open a browser session to the SMU.
  2. Log in as admin; Enter the current password when prompted.
  3. In the GUI, navigate to SMU Administration > SMU Backup and Restore.
  4. Click the Backup SMU: <Backup> button.
  5. Save the configuration file to a location on your computer.
  6. Repeat the steps until you have two backup files of the same size.
  7. Verify that the archive file opens.

Shutdown the Original SMU

  1. Because the vSMU is on the Customer Network, the Hardware SMU cannot be powered on during the SMU restore to the vSMU; at the end of the restore, there would be a conflict of IP addresses and cluster quorum.
  2. Verify that no power outages or maintenance are scheduled during this procedure.
  1. Open a browser session to the Hardware SMU.
  2. Navigate to Home > SMU Administration > SMU Shutdown / Restart
  3. Click <shutdown>
  4. Wait for the Hardware SMU to power off (if after 10 minutes it has not shut down, remove the power cords)