Changing user passwords

Storage System User Administration Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number
Any logged in user can change their own password. A global administrator can also change the password of any user, whether the user is currently logged in or not.
Note: If the user is authenticated through a RADIUS server, you cannot change the password using NAS Manager or the SMU CLI. You must change the password using the tools and utilities of the RADIUS server.

Changing your own password

You can use NAS Manager to change your own password. If your account is authenticated through a RADIUS server, however, your password must be changed using the tools and utilities of the RADIUS server.
  • For HNAS servers, use NAS Manager or the SMU CLI to change your password.
  • For systems with NAS modules, use an external NAS Manager or the maintenance utility to change your password.
  1. Navigate to Home > SMU Administration > Current User Password to display the Current User Password page.

    Current User Password page

    The following table describes the fields on this page:

    Field/Item Description
    User Name Displays your user login name (cannot be changed).
    Current Password Displays a series of dots representing the currently specified password (the actual password cannot be displayed).
    New Password The new password. The password cannot exceed 256 characters.
    Confirm New Password The new password again. Must be exactly the same as what you entered in the New Password field.
    apply Saves the new password.
  2. Enter your current password in the Current Password field.
    If you have forgotten you password, contact a global administrator and ask them to give you a new password. (Passwords are stored in an encrypted form, and are not retrievable or visible by anyone. If a user forgets their password, they must be given a new password, which they can then change.)
  3. Enter your new password in the New Password field.
  4. Enter the new password again in the Confirm New Password field.
  5. When finished, click apply to save the new password.

Changing another user's password

A global administrator can change the password of any user. If the user is authenticated through a RADIUS server, however, the password must be changed using the tools and utilities of the RADIUS server.

  • For HNAS servers, use NAS Manager or the SMU CLI to change the user password.
  • For systems with NAS modules, use an external NAS Manager or the maintenance utility to change the user password.
  1. Navigate to Home > SMU Administration > SMU Users to display the SMU Users page.
  2. Click details to display the SMU User Details page.

    Item/Field Description
    Name Administrator’s user name. Cannot be changed.
    User Type Describes if the user is authenticated by the SMU itself (local users), or if the user is authenticated by a RADIUS server.
    Password and Confirm Password

    For users authenticated by the SMU only (local users). These fields do not apply for users authenticated by a RADIUS server.

    The password for the user. Characters are hidden, and the exact same password must be entered in both fields. The password cannot exceed 256 characters.

    User Level Displays the user level or type of administrative role.
    • Global Administrators can manage everything in the system: file systems, file services, or file system related features and functions, storage devices and their components. Also, the Global Administrator creates and manages SMU user profiles (Server Administrators, Storage Administrators, Server+Storage Administrators, and other Global Administrators). Global Administrators also control what servers and storage devices each administrator can access.
    • Storage Administrators manage storage devices, as specified in the administrator profile created by the Global Administrator.

      Storage Administrators can manage only storage devices and their components (racks, physical disks, SDs, and storage pools). Storage Administrators cannot manage file systems, file services, or file system related features and functions, and they cannot manage users.

    • Server Administrators manage servers and clusters, as specified in the administrator profile created by the Global Administrator. Server Administrators cannot manage storage devices.

      Server Administrators can manage file systems and file services such as CIFS Shares, NFS Exports, and they can manage file system related features and functions such as snapshots, quotas, and migration policies and schedules.

    • Server+Storage Administrators manage servers, clusters, and storage devices, as specified in the administrator profile created by the Global Administrator.

      Server+Storage administrators can manage everything Server Administrators and Storage Administrators can manage: file systems, file services, or file system related features and functions, and they can also manage storage devices and their components.

    • If the User Type is Local, you can modify the password.
    • If the User Type is RADIUS, you cannot modify the password, because the password is managed on RADIUS servers. RADIUS users cannot be defined as read-only.
    • If the User Level is Global, you can select or clear the Allow CLI Access check box.
    • If the User Level is Storage, Server, or Server+Storage, you can add or remove servers from the user's scope of management.

    Global users implicitly have access to manage all servers and storage. Non-global users cannot be given CLI access.

    You cannot change the User Type or User Level of a user. If such a change is needed, delete the old user and create a new user.

    Read-Only Access

    Indicates if a user is defined as read-only, or not. When displaying the details of an existing user, the read-only attribute is shown but cannot be modified. To change the read-only attribute, it is necessary to delete the user and then re-add them.

    SMU CLI Access

    For global administrators only, when the check box is selected, the administrator can access the SMU using the CLI as well as NAS Manager.

    Available HNAS Servers

    Not available for global administrators, because global administrators are allowed to manage all storage and all servers.

    For server administrators, storage administrators, and server+storage administrators, lists the HNAS servers managed by the SMU to which the administrator has not yet been give management privileges.

    The "All Servers" entry is used to allow privileges to all servers managed by the SMU.

    Selected HNAS Servers

    Not available for global administrators, because global administrators are allowed to manage all storage and all servers.

    For server administrators, lists the HNAS servers that the administrator can manage. Note that a Server administrator cannot manage the storage attached to these servers.

    For storage administrators, lists HNAS servers that have attached storage that the administrator can manage. Note that a storage administrator cannot manage these servers, only the storage attached to these servers.

    For server+storage administrators, lists HNAS servers that the administrator can manage. The server+storage administrator can also manage the storage attached to these servers.

    OK Saves the currently defined user profile and returns to the SMU Users page.
    Cancel Returns to the SMU Users page without saving the profile.
  3. Enter the new password in the Password field.
  4. Enter the new password again in the Confirm Password field.
  5. When finished, click OK to save the new password.