Local users and Active Directory groups can now be given read-only access. A read-only user has permission to view most pages of the NAS Manager; however, they are not generally allowed to perform any actions on the NAS Manager that would trigger a system or configuration change. Based on their defined role, an individual user may or may not perform specific tasks, such as viewing, creating, or modifying files and data. A read-only user may not create, add, or delete files and file systems. Where such actions are not permitted, the corresponding buttons (such as Add and Create) on the viewed page are disabled. A read-only user retains the scope of their role, such as Global, Storage, Server, or Server plus Storage, and the read-only attribute will not limit which configurations the user may access (except in cases where access to a specific configuration is explicitly defined as limited). All links appropriate to each role are visible on the pages but may be disabled. A global, read-only user can see all configurations. If the system has determined that the logged on user, either a local user or an Active Directory user, has read-only access, the text "read-only" is appended to the user's name in the top-right corner of the page.
Read-only users can view the Details pages and see the objects on those pages, but buttons that submit changes, such as the OK button, are disabled. Read-only users may use the Cancel button on a Details page to navigate away from the page.
Read-only user restrictions
Read-only users may not:
- Have CLI access
- Be defined in RADIUS
- Clear or refresh any SMU cache (such as CIFS shares)
- Download data to a local file
- Download diagnostics or configuration data such as quotas and backups
- Browse directories on NAS file systems
- Use any "refresh buttons or links" in a page, but all pages can be refreshed using the F5 shortcut
Inaccessible pages
The following NAS Manager pages are not visible to read-only users:
- Send Test Event
- Download diagnostics
- Server Setup Wizard
- Clone Settings
- EVS Migration
- Cluster Wizard
- Reboot Server
- Backup & Restore
- Upgrade Firmware
- File System Relocation
- SMU Setup Wizard
- SMU Backup & Restore
- SMU Shutdown / Restart
- SMU Upgrade