Prioritizing name services

Network Administration Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number

  1. Navigate to Network Configuration > Name Services order.
  2. Use the change button to change the security context, if required. Changes to the name services on this page apply only to the currently selected EVS security context. If an EVS uses the Global Configuration, any changes made to the global configuration settings affect the EVS. If an EVS uses an individual security context, changes made to the global configuration settings do not affect the EVS. To change the name services settings of an EVS using an individual security context, you must select the EVS' individual security context, even if those settings are the same as the settings used by the global security context.
  3. Select and deselect name services to create a list of preferred name services. Use the left and right arrow keys to select name services from the Available Name Services box and move them to the Selected Name Services box. To deselect a name service, use the arrows to move the name service back into the Available Name Services box.
  4. Adjust the order of usage for selected name services. Use the up and down arrow keys to change the order of usage for selected name services in the Selected Name Services box.
  5. Click apply to save the changes.