Editing link aggregations

Network Administration Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number

Edit the configuration of an aggregation on the Link Aggregation Details page:

  • Remove interfaces from the aggregation
  • Add interfaces to the aggregation
  • Select an aggregation type: static or LACP
  • Change the type of load balancing in use for the aggregation

  1. Navigate to Network Configuration > Link Aggregation to display the Link Aggregation page, which lists all currently configured aggregations.
  2. Click details to display an aggregation’s Link Aggregation Details page.
  3. The Assigned Ports field lists the interfaces currently assigned to this aggregation. To remove an interface from the aggregation, deselect the check box next to the name of the interface.
  4. The Available Ports field lists the available ge (gigabit Ethernet) and tg (10 GbE) interfaces that can be added to the aggregation. To add an interface to the aggregation, select the check box next to the name of the interface.
  5. The Use LACP field specifies whether the aggregation uses LACP. Select Yes to use LACP. An aggregation that does not use LACP is called a static aggregation, and an aggregation that does use LACP is called a dynamic aggregation.
  6. Select a Port load balancing scheme in the Port level load balancing field. The options are Normal and Round robin.
  7. Click OK to save the changes, or click cancel to return to the Link Aggregation page without saving the changes.