Virtual volume quota object model

NAS File Storage REST API v7 Reference

Part Number

The object model describing this resource contains the following objects.


Attribute JSON Type Data Type Description
objectId string string ID of the virtual volume quota object.
virtualVolumeName string string Name of the virtual volume quota object.
virtualVolumeId number uint64 ID of the virtual volume.
virtualServerId number uint Virtual server ID of the quota object.
filesystemId string string File system ID of the virtual volume.
quota object object Object that describes the quota setup.


Attribute JSON Type Data Type Description
diskUsage number uint64 Actual usage of disk space of the quota in units of bytes.
diskUsageThreshold object object Quota space size usage. The object type is quotaThresholdPercentages.
fileUsage number uint64 Actual number of files created under the quota.
fileCountThreshold object object Quota file number usage. The object type is quotaThresholdPercentages.
logEvent boolean boolean Boolean flag indicating whether events should be logged.
targetDomain string string Target domain. That is, domain of CIFS user or group.
targetName string string Target name. That is, user or group name of quota..
targetType string string Target type. Current supported values are:
  • USER


Attribute JSON Type Data Type Description
limit number uint64 The upper limit of space size or file numbers.
isHard boolean boolean Indicates whether the limit is a hard limit, that is, whether the limit will be enforced.
reset number int Percent of the amount of space size or file numbers specified in the limit field at which a reset alert is sent. This value cannot exceed the value of the warning alert. A minimum value is required.
warning number int Percent of the amount of space or number of the file count specified in the limit field at which a warning alert is sent. This value cannot exceed the value of the severe alert. A minimum value is required.
severe number int Percent of the amount of space or number of file count specified in the limit field at which a severe alert is sent. This value cannot be bigger than 100. A minimum value is required.