Expand a storage pool

NAS File Storage REST API v7 Reference

Part Number

Expands a storage pool. The operation accepts a list of system drives to be used during storage pool expansion.

HTTP request syntax (URI)

POST <base_URI>/v7/storage/storage-pools/{id}/expand


Name Type Required Values Description
id URI_PARAM Y string/number Specifies either the storage pool object ID or HNAS storage pool ID.
systemDrives BODY Y array System drives to be used to expand the storage pool. For rules on expansion, see examples in the note below.
tier BODY N string Only required when expanding a tiered storage pool. Possible values are:
  • TIER0
  • TIER1
Note: Example of systemDrives values:
  • Example 1 System drive number expansion requirement: If the storage pool was initially created with 4 system drives, you need at least 4 or more system drives to expand.
  • Example 2 Capacity expansion requirement: List capacity refers to the amount of storage of the drive with the lowest capacity value in the grouping. When you expand the storage pool of a series of system drives, you must increment each by the list value. As an example, consider the capacity of each drive in a grouping of 4 system drives is as follows:
    • 1 GB for drive 1
    • 1 GB for drive 2
    • 1 GB for drive 3
    • 5 GB for drive 4
    Then to expand the storage pool, you must expand each of the system drives by at least 1 GB, the list value.

Return codes

Code Data Description
204 No Data Storage pool successfully expanded.
400 No Data Missing or invalid request contents.
404 Error Message Requested resource not found.
500 Error message Error associated with the storage system.
501 No Data Server has not implemented the request operation on the resource.

Any HTTP status code other than 204 indicates that the API did not complete successfully.

Request example: To expand a non-tiered storage pool by specifying the storage pool object ID

curl -vk -H "X-Api-Key: zrxvSDAv9x.RIP4gkmKarG3beF.or.4Tc2im7oeqYN88C9XPGHxbXC" –d ‘{"systemDrives":[15,16,17,18]}’ -X POST

Response example: To expand a non-tiered storage pool by specifying the storage pool object ID

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 

Request example: To expand a tiered storage pool by specifying the storage pool object ID

curl -vk -H "X-Api-Key: zrxvSDAv9x.RIP4gkmKarG3beF.or.4Tc2im7oeqYN88C9XPGHxbXC" –d ‘{“tier”: “TIER1”, "systemDrives":[114,115,116,117,118,119]}’ -X POST

Response example: To expand a tiered storage pool by specifying the storage pool object ID

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 

Request example: To expand a non-tiered storage pool by specifying the HNAS storage pool ID

curl -vk -H "X-Api-Key: zrxvSDAv9x.RIP4gkmKarG3beF.or.4Tc2im7oeqYN88C9XPGHxbXC" –d ‘{"systemDrives":[15,16,17,18]}’ -X POST

Response example: To expand a non-tiered storage pool by specifying the HNAS storage pool ID

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content