File system object model

NAS File Storage REST API v7 Reference

Part Number

The file system object model contains the following objects.


Attribute JSON Type Data Type Description
objectId string string File system object unique identifier. This ID is not the HNAS storage file system ID.
filesystemId string string HNAS file system ID.
status string string Status of the file system. Current supported values are:
label string string Label of the file system.
blockSize number uint64 Block size of the file system in bytes.
capacity number uin64 Capacity of the file system in bytes.
usedCapacity number uint64 Used capacity in bytes.
freeCapacity number uint64 Free capacity in bytes.
expansionLimits number uint64 Expansion limits in bytes. The expansion limit is unlimited if the value is 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
isDedupeEnabled boolean boolean True if dedupe is enabled on the file system.
isDedupeSupported boolean boolean True if dedupe is supported on the file system.
isNDMPRecoveryTarget boolean boolean True if the file system is an NDMP target.
isNonStrictWORM boolean boolean True if the file system is non-strict write once read many.
isReadCached boolean boolean True if the file system is a read cache.
isObjectReplicationTarget boolean boolean True if the filesystem is object replication target.
isReadOnly boolean boolean True if the file system is read only.
isSysLocked boolean boolean True if the file system is sys locked.
isWORM boolean boolean True if the file system is write once read many.
isUnlimitedExpansion boolean boolean True if the file system is set for unlimited expansion
isLogicalCapacityFreeCapacityValid boolean boolean True if the logical free capacity is valid.
isLogicalCapacityValid boolean boolean True if the logical capacity is valid.
isThinProvisioningEnabled boolean boolean True if thin provisioning is enabled.
isThinProvisioningEnabledValid boolean boolean True if thin provisioning enabled is valid.
isTrueSparseFileEnabled boolean boolean True if true sparse file is enabled.
isTrueSparseFileEnabledValid boolean boolean True if true sparse file enabled is valid.
logicalCapacity number uint64 Logical capacity of the file system in bytes.
logicalFreeCapacity number uint64 Logical free capacity of the file system in bytes.
storagePoolId number uint64 Storage pool ID of the file system
virtualServerId number integer Virtual server ID of the file system
tierInformation object array Array of tierInformation objects related to the file system, if the file system is made up from multiple tiers. Empty if file system is only a single tier.
isTiered boolean boolean True if the file system is made up of multiple tiers.


Attribute JSON Type Data Type Description
tierNumber number integer Tier number.
tierCapacity number uint64 Capacity of the tier in bytes.
tierFreeSpace number uint64 Free capacity of the tier in bytes.
tierExpansionLimit number uint64 Expansion limit of the tier in bytes. The expansion limit is unlimited if the value is 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
isUnlimitedExpansion boolean boolean True if the tier is set for unlimited expansion.


Attribute JSON Type Data Type Description
objectId string string Storage pool unique identifier. This ID is not the HNAS storage pool ID.
storagePoolId number unit64 HNAS storage pool ID.
label string string Storage pool label.
totalCapacity number uint64 Total capacity in bytes.
usedCapacity number uint64 Used capacity in bytes.
freeCapacity number uint64 Free capacity in bytes.
chunkSize number uint64 Chunk size in bytes.
isHealthy boolean boolean True if the storage pool is in a healthy condition.
isTiered boolean boolean True if the storage pool is tiered.
isFilesystemExpansionAllowed boolean boolean True if allowed.
isAssignedToLocalCluster boolean boolean True if assigned.
tierInformation object array Array of tierInformation objects related to the storage pool, if the storage pool is made up from multiple tiers. Empty if storage pool is only a single tier.


Attribute JSON Type Data Type Description
filesystemId string string HNAS dedup file system ID.
lastRun number integer Number of seconds since the last time deduplication service started running
percentageReclaimed number integer Percentage of disk space reclaimed by the deduplication service
reclaimedCapacity number integer Size of reclaimed capacity in bytes.
isEnabled boolean boolean True if the dedup file system is enabled; False otherwise.
virtualServerId number integer ID of virtual server of the dedup file system.


Attribute JSON Type Data Type Description
replicationSnapshotStatus string string Status of replication snapshot. Current supported values:
replicationType string string Replication type. Current supported values:
  • NONE
  • FULL
sourceFilesystemId string string Source file system ID.
sourceSnapshotName string string Source snapshot name.
sourceSnapshotTime number integer Source snapshot time.
targetFilesystemId string string Target file system.
targetSnapshotName string string Target snapshot name.


Attribute JSON Type Data Type Description
virtualServerId number uint Virtual server ID of the quota object.
filesystemId string string File system ID of the virtual volume.
quota object object Object that describes the quota setup.


Attribute JSON Type Data Type Description
endTime number integer End time.
fileSystemId string string File system ID.
isActive boolean boolean Disaster recovery state change report is active or not.
logName string string File name of the report.
startTime number integer Start time.
statistics object array List of key-value pairs of the statistics report.
status string string Status of DR state change.
transitionId string string ID of DR state transition.