Create a file system

NAS File Storage REST API v7 Reference

Part Number

Creates a file system on a virtual server using a storage pool. A label is assigned to the file system during the creation process. The operation returns a URI that can be accessed to retrieve detailed information about the file system.

HTTP request syntax (URI)

POST <base_URI>/v7/storage/filesystems


Name Type Required Values Description
label BODY Y string Label of the file system to be created.
virtualServerId BODY Y number ID of the virtual server to be used.
storagePoolId BODY Y number ID of the storage pool to be used.
capacity BODY Y number Capacity of the file system to be created in bytes.

Return codes

Code Data Description
201 filesystem File system object successfully created.
400 No Data Missing or invalid request contents.
500 Error message Error associated with the storage system.
501 No Data Server has not implemented the request operation on the resource.

Any HTTP status code other than 201 indicates that the API did not complete successfully.

Request example

curl -vk -H "X-Api-Key: zrxvSDAv9x.RIP4gkmKarG3beF.or.4Tc2im7oeqYN88C9XPGHxbXC" -d '{"label":"fs-test", "virtualServerId":4, "storagePoolId":4286815075241083603, "capacity":19327352832}' -X POST

Response example

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
   "filesystem" : {
      "blockSize" : 0,
      "capacity" : 19268632576,
      "expansionLimits" : 18446744073709551615,
      "filesystemId" : "866260F047C882190000000000000000",
      "freeCapacity" : 0,
      "isDedupeEnabled" : false,
      "isDedupeSupported" : false,
      "isNDMPRecoveryTarget" : false,
      "isNonStrictWORM" : false,
      "isObjectReplicationTarget" : false,
      "isReadCached" : false,
      "isReadOnly" : false,
      "isSysLocked" : false,
      "isUnlimitedExpansion" : true,
      "isWORM" : false,
      "label" : "fs-test",
      "objectId" : "3836363236304630343743383832313930303030303030303030303030303030",
      "status" : "NOT_MOUNTED",
      "usedCapacity" : 0
   "uri" : ""