Creates a file system on a virtual server using a storage pool. A label is assigned to the file system during the creation process. The operation returns a URI that can be accessed to retrieve detailed information about the file system.
HTTP request syntax (URI)
POST <base_URI>/v7/storage/filesystems
Name | Type | Required | Values | Description |
label | BODY | Y | string | Label of the file system to be created. |
virtualServerId | BODY | Y | number | ID of the virtual server to be used. |
storagePoolId | BODY | Y | number | ID of the storage pool to be used. |
capacity | BODY | Y | number | Capacity of the file system to be created in bytes. |
Return codes
Code | Data | Description |
201 | filesystem | File system object successfully created. |
400 | No Data | Missing or invalid request contents. |
500 | Error message | Error associated with the storage system. |
501 | No Data | Server has not implemented the request operation on the resource. |
Any HTTP status code other than 201 indicates that the API did not complete successfully.
Request example
curl -vk -H "X-Api-Key: zrxvSDAv9x.RIP4gkmKarG3beF.or.4Tc2im7oeqYN88C9XPGHxbXC" -d '{"label":"fs-test", "virtualServerId":4, "storagePoolId":4286815075241083603, "capacity":19327352832}' -X POST
Response example
HTTP/1.1 201 Created { "filesystem" : { "blockSize" : 0, "capacity" : 19268632576, "expansionLimits" : 18446744073709551615, "filesystemId" : "866260F047C882190000000000000000", "freeCapacity" : 0, "isDedupeEnabled" : false, "isDedupeSupported" : false, "isNDMPRecoveryTarget" : false, "isNonStrictWORM" : false, "isObjectReplicationTarget" : false, "isReadCached" : false, "isReadOnly" : false, "isSysLocked" : false, "isUnlimitedExpansion" : true, "isWORM" : false, "label" : "fs-test", "objectId" : "3836363236304630343743383832313930303030303030303030303030303030", "status" : "NOT_MOUNTED", "usedCapacity" : 0 }, "uri" : ""