Add a group quota

NAS File Storage REST API v7 Reference

Part Number

Adds a group quota by file system ID.

HTTP request syntax (URI)

POST <base_URI>/v7/storage/filesystems/{id}/group-quota


Name Type Required Values Description
id URI_PARAM Y string Either the object ID or the HNAS file system ID
diskUsageThreshold BODY Y object quotaThresholdPercentages object of the disk space to be added to the virtual volume.
fileCountThreshold BODY Y object quotaThresholdPercentages object of the file count to be added to the virtual volume
logEvent BODY Y boolean Indicates whether to log an event.
groupId BODY Y string Group can be either a NFS group or a CIFS group. For an NFS group, it can be the NFS v2/3 format with its UNIX group ID optionally registered in the HNAS group mappings. For example, if group NFSGroup with its UNIX group ID 501 is added to Group Mappings, then you can add a group quota with a group named “NFSGroup.” For an NFS v4 format, the group must attach its host name in the format of group@host (NFSv4Group@ deb5010-57-75).A CIFS group can be discovered from The Windows Domain Controller or inputted by an HNAS user. Usually the group is in the format of Domain\group, such as BUILTIN\Current Group.
virtualServerId BODY N number Virtual server ID where the file system resides. This parameter is ignored, as the virtual server ID can be derived from the filesystem ID. It is maintained for backward compatability.

Return codes

Code Data Description
201 groupQuota Group quota successfully added
400 No Data Missing or invalid request contents.
404 Error Message Requested resource not found.
500 Error message Error associated with the storage system.
501 No Data Server has not implemented the request operation on the resource.

Any HTTP status code other than 201 indicates that the API did not complete successfully.

Request example

curl -vk -H "X-Api-Key: zrxvSDAv9x.RIP4gkmKarG3beF.or.4Tc2im7oeqYN88C9XPGHxbXC" -d ‘{"diskUsageThreshold":{"limit":1234567890,"isHard":true,"reset":65,"warning":75,"severe":95},"fileCountThreshold":{"limit":1000,"isHard":false,"reset":85,"warning":90, "severe":95},"logEvent":true, "groupId":"xyz", "virtualServerId":3}’ -X POST

Response example

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
        "groupQuota" :
                "filesystemId" : "864553F647F8647D0000000000000000",
                "quota" :
                        "diskUsage" : 0,
                        "diskUsageThreshold" :
                                "isHard" : true,
                                "limit" : 1234567890,
                                "reset" : 65,
                                "severe" : 95,
                                "warning" : 75
                        "fileCountThreshold" :
                                "isHard" : false,
                                "limit" : 1000,
                                "reset" : 85,
                                "severe" : 95,
                                "warning" : 90
                        "fileUsage" : 0,
                        "logEvent" : true,
                        "targetDomain" : "",
                        "targetName" : "xyz",
                        "targetType" : "GROUP"
                "virtualServerId" : 3