Advanced IP configuration

Network Administration Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number

To configure additional settings for IP addresses, navigate to Network Configuration > Advanced IP Configuration.

Using advanced IP configuration

Global settings

The Global Settings area contains the fields and entries that make up the global configuration, which then become the default settings for all interfaces.

Note: These settings do not apply to ports eth0 or eth1.

The following table describes the fields on this page:

Global settings Default Description

IP Reassembly Timer (seconds)


This field sets the time before which the server discards an incomplete IP datagram.

Ignore ICMP Echo Requests

No (empty)

When selected, this option instructs the system not to respond to Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo requests.

IP MTU for Off- Subnet Transmits (bytes)


This field specifies the maximum IP packet size in use when transmitting to a different subnet. The valid range is 68 to 9600 bytes. For IPv6 traffic, the effective MTU is 1280 bytes when this option is configured to be less than 1280.

TCP Keep Alive Yes (filled)

When selected, this option instructs the system to send a keep alive packet when it has received no data or acknowledgment packets for a connection within the specified timeout period.

TCP Keep Alive timeout (seconds)


This field specifies the number of seconds to keep a connection alive.

TCP MTU (bytes) 1500

This field specifies the size of the maximum transmission unit (MTU) in use for TCP packets when transmitting to a locally configured subnet. The valid range is 68 to 9600 bytes. For IPv6 traffic, the effective MTU is 1280 bytes when this option is configured to be less than 1280.

Other Protocol MTU (bytes)


This field specifies the size of the MTU for protocols other than TCP when transmitting to a locally configured subnet. The valid range is 68 to 9600 bytes . For IPv6 traffic, the effective MTU is 1280 bytes when this option is configured to be less than 1280.

ARP Cache Timeout (seconds)


This field controls the time before which the server removes an unused ARP entry from the caching table.

Ignore ICMP Redirect

No (empty) This field specifies whether to ignore ICMP redirects.

ag1 - agX

This field lists the name of each currently configured aggregation port (interface) in the server/cluster.

Current Settings

This field indicates whether the aggregation port uses the default (global) settings, or customized settings. If the aggregation port uses customized settings, the details button appears. Click on the details button to edit the customized configuration.

To customize the global settings, specify the values to use for the global configuration settings by changing the values of the fields in the Global Settings area. All aggregations (interfaces) use the global settings by default. Click apply to save the changes.

To restore the global settings to the factory default values, click reset.

Interface settings

To customize settings for an individual aggregation port (interface), select it in the Ports field and click customize. The Advanced IP Per-Port Configuration page appears.

The following table describes the fields on this page:

Per-port settings Default settings
Ignore ICMP Echo Requests No (empty)
IP MTU for Off-Subnet Transmits (bytes) 1500
TCP MTU 1500
Other Protocol MTU 1500

Enter the new values in the fields, and click OK. The new settings override the global settings.

To restore the settings of an interface to the global configuration, select an interface in the Ports field, and then click restore. The settings for the interface revert to the default (global settings).

CLI commands

Use the ipadv command to view or change these settings. It is also possible to configure an MTU value on a per-route basis using the mtu command.