Using HDP pools with a NAS server

Storage Subsystem Administration Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number

You must configure the NAS server so that the HNAS software and HDP software can work together.

Important: No configuration changes are required on the NAS server to work with HDP pools.

The high-level process for using HDP pools with a NAS server is as follows:

  1. Configure the HDP pools and DP-Vols on the storage:
    1. Use your storage configurator to create an HDP pool containing sufficient pool volumes to meet your immediate requirements for capacity and performance.
    2. Using your storage configurator, create DP-Vols on the HDP pool. The total capacity of the DP-Vols should significantly exceed that of the pool volumes in order to fulfil future storage requirements. There should be enough DP-Vols to provide enough queue depth for good performance. As a guideline, DP-Vols usually have a capacity of 8 TiB.
    3. Place the new DP-Vols into host groups and assign host LUNs to them. Before assigning host LUNs, enable Host Mode Option 7 and 68 on every host group so that the server can detect the new DP-Vols automatically. Alternatively, assign host LUNs to the DP-Vols and then run the server's scsi-refresh command.
  2. Use the HDP-based storage on the NAS server:
    1. Allow access to the DP-Vols (SDs) on the NAS server. You can allow access using NAS Manager or the command line interface (see the sd-allow-access command).
    2. Create the NAS server storage pool from the HDP DP-Vols.
      Note: If you plan to create tiered file systems, you must create a tiered storage pool using DP-Vols from two HDP pools.
      To display a table that relates server device identifiers to DP-Vol internal LUNs, use the sd-list --hdp command. This information is useful when you create the storage pool. See the span-create man page.
    3. Create the file system on the storage pool.
    4. Format the file system.
    5. Mount the file system.
    If you are using the command line interface, the filesystem-create -b4 or filesystem-create -b32 syntax can create, format, and mount a file system in a single step. See the Command Line Reference for your system.