Modifying an object replication schedule

Replication and Disaster Recovery Administration Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number
  1. Navigate to Home > Data Protection > Object Replication to display the Object Replication page.
  2. Click details next to the schedule that requires modification, in order to display the Modify Object Replication Schedule page.
    Field/Item Description
    Policy Displays the name of the replication policy with the schedule that is being modified.
    Policy Status Displays the status of the last run of this policy.
    Schedule Enabled Indicates if the policy schedule is currently enabled or disabled. If the schedule is disabled, the policy will not be run automatically. If the schedule is disabled, click enable to reactivate (enable) the policy. If the schedule is enabled, click disable to deactivate (but not delete) the policy.
    Next Run
    Reschedule Fill this check box to change the schedule of the next replication specified by this schedule:
    • Immediately: Start as soon as the schedule is created runs the associated policy as soon as the schedule is successfully created.
    • Scheduled schedules the next run of the associated policy for the date and time specified in this section. Specify the time, using the 24 hour format (such that 11:59 PM will be entered as 23:59). Specify the date for the first run of the policy. Click the calendar next to the field, then select the start date for the policy’s initial run.

    The current date and time are provided at the bottom of the section for reference.

    Run Until

    This optional section allows you to specify a date and time after which the policy should no longer run.

    Run Until Time Specifies the last time (in 24‐hour format) that the policy should be run. If you specify a time, you must also specify a Run Until Date.
    Run Until Date The date (day and month) the replication runs for the last time. Click the calendar next to the field, then select the end date for the policy’s final run. The selected date appears on the field. This is an optional setting.
    Schedule Type Specifies the interval, if any, between the repeated execution of the policy to which this schedule will apply.
    • Every X minutes, hours, or days schedules the replication to run at the specified interval. For example, if you set it to every 4 days, the policy will run again automatically 4 days after it last started.
    • Continuous. Pause X minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months between runs schedules the replication to run continuously, but the replication will pause between runs for the specified duration. For example, if you set it to pause for 1 day between runs, after the policy completes one cycle, it will pause for 1 day.
    • Once, at the scheduled date and time schedules the policy to run only once, at the date and time specified by the Initial Run settings.
    • Test Only ‐ at the scheduled date and time causes the replication policy to be tested runs the policy once, as a test only, at the time scheduled in the Initial Run field. During a test run, the system assesses if the object replication policy will run successfully as currently configured. The test also calculates the amount of data to be replicated. The results should be checked in the Object Replication Status & Reports page before scheduling an actual run.
      Note: A test can take a long time to run, depending on the size of the files system being replicated. Additionally, the results of a test run are not displays on the status page. Only actual replication results are shown on the status page; however, if you schedule and run the policy as a test only, error messages appear if the test fails.
  3. Modify the schedule as necessary.
  4. Click OK.