Configuring policy-based file replication

Replication and Disaster Recovery Administration Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number
Before administrators can add a replication policy, the type of server that will be used for storing the replicated data must be determined. You can choose from one of the following policy destination types:
  • Managed Server: For a server to be considered as managed server, it needs to be entered in the replication process configuration.
  • Not a Managed Server: A non-managed server is one where the IP Address and user name/password of the server is not known by the replication process. Administrators can still select a non-managed server as the target by specifying the IP address along with the user name and password
To configure policy-based data replication:
  1. Navigate to Home > Data Protection > File Replication, and click add to display the Policy Destination Type page.

  2. Select the policy destination type:
    • Select Managed Server to create a policy to replicate to a server that is managed by the replication process.
    • Select Not a Managed Server to create a policy to replicate to a server that is not managed by the replication process.
  3. Click next to display a destination type-specific Add Policy page.
    The Add Policy page for a managed server replication destination displays as:

    The Add Policy page for an unmanaged server replication destination is similar, with only the fields in the Destination section being different:

    Note: Administrators should be authorized to use the external server to access and store replication data.
  4. Enter the requested information:
    Field/Item Description
    Identification Name: Allows you to specify the name of the replication policy. The name may not contain spaces or any of the following characters: \/<>"'!@#$%^%&*(){}[] +=?:;,~`|.'
    Source Source of the replication. Set this field only if you want to make a simple copy of a specific snapshot. Do not set this field if you are intending to run incremental replications. The source is identified using the following fields:
    • Server: Name of the server/cluster that has the source file system for this replication policy.
    • EVS/file system: Name of the EVS and file system to which the replication source is mapped. Click change to change the EVS or file system.
    • Path: Select a virtual volume from the drop-down list. Or select Directory and enter the path.
    • Snapshot: Select a snapshot to migrate a file system from a snapshot taken at a specific point in time. Using a snapshot as a source allows you to replicate the snapshot rather than the live file system, eliminating the possibility of file changes during the replication.
    Destination (for managed replication destinations) Destination of the replication (managed server):
    • Server: Name of the server/cluster that hosts the destination file system for this replication policy.
    • EVS/file system: Name of the virtual server and file system to which the replication is mapped. Click change to change the EVS/file system.
    • Path: Specify the directory path. Note that you may not specify a virtual volume as a path.
    • Current Syslock status: Indicates if the file system is in Syslocked mode. When System Lock is enabled for the destination file system, a warning icon is displayed. NDMP has full access to the file system and can write to the syslocked file system during a backup or replication, but the file system remains in read-only mode to clients using the file service protocols (NFS, SMB, FTP, and iSCSI).

      If the destination file system is not in syslock mode during a replication operation, clients may write to the file system, creating inconsistencies between the source and target of the replication.

      During transfer of primary access operations, both the source file system and the destination file system are put into System Lock mode.

      To manually enable or disable the Syslock mode for a file system, you must navigate to the File System Details page for the file system. For more information on Syslocked mode, see the File Services Administration Guide.

    Destination (for unmanaged replication destinations) Destination of the replication (non-managed server):
    • File Serving IP Address / Host Name: Name of the server containing the target EVS/ file system. Click change to change the destination to a different server.
    • File System: Name of the file system to which the replication is mapped. Click change to change the file system.
    • Path: Specify the directory path. Note that you may not specify a virtual volume as a path.
    • NDMP User Name: Name of the NDMP user for which the replication target was created.
    • NDMP User Password: Password for the selected NDMP user.
    Processing Options
    • Source Snapshot Rule Name: The snapshot rule for replication of the source file system.
    • Destination Snapshot Rule Name: The snapshot rule to use for the snapshot of the destination file system following a successful replication.
    • Pre-/Post-Replication Script: A user-defined script to run before or after each replication. Scripts must be located in /opt/smu/adc_replic/final_scripts. The permissions of the scripts must be set to "executable".
    File Replication Rule Optional configuration parameters that allow tuning of replications to enable and disable specific functions or to optimize performance.
  5. Verify your settings, click OK to save, or cancel to decline.