Configuring transfer XVLs as links during object replication

Replication and Disaster Recovery Administration Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number

You can enable this option using the CLI or the NAS Manager.

Note: Both source and target systems involved in the replication relationship must be running NAS server release v13.4 or later.

You can enable the Transfer XVLs as links during object replication option as follows:

  • Run the replication-xvl-as-links CLI command for each replication source file system


  • Select the enable button for the Transfer XVLs as links during object replication option on the File System Details page on the NAS Manager.
    Note: The replication source file system must be unmounted for this option to be available.

File System Details

Configuring the migration path for the replication target file system

To enable access to the migrated data on the replication target filesystem, configure a migration path using the CLI or the NAS Manager (see the Data Migrator Administration Guide for details).

Migration paths are configured on a replication target filesystem in the same way as they are configured on a normal file system except for the following constraints:

  • The migration path must have the same logical name as that on the replication source filesystem. For cloud paths, the logical name of the migration path is the name of the cloud destination in use by the path, and the cloud destination for the replication target must also have the same name as the one on the replication source. The cloud destination on the replication target also needs to have the same UUID as one on the replication source - creating a cloud destination with a specific UUID is only possible using the migration-cloud-destination-create CLI command and not through the NAS Manager.
  • The cloud account on which the replication target's cloud destination depends has no constraints but must exist.
  • It is not possible to configure multiple cloud destinations on the same cluster with the same name and/or UUID. If the replication source and target file systems are both on the same cluster, they must share the same migration target and cannot be configured to use different ones.

Example when source and target are on different clusters

Consider a replication source file system that has a cloud migration path configured as follows:

  • Migration destination name: repln_src_mign_dest
  • Migration destination UUID: a5de129e-8f75-11d3-9010-18de0fcebd7d
  • Migration path name (same as the destination name): repln_src_mign_dest

To create the migration path for the replication target:

  • Create a cloud migration account on the cluster that hosts the replication target file system using either the NAS Manager or the migration-cloud-account-create CLI command.
  • Create a cloud destination with the name repln_src_mign_dest and UUID a5de129e-8f75-11d3-9010-18de0fcebd7d using the migration-cloud-destination-create CLI command.
  • Create a cloud path for the replication target file system to the destination configured above using either the NAS Manager or the migration-add-external-path CLI command.
Note: Other details of the migration, for example, account, destination or path, can be different or the same as the replication source but the names and UUIDS must match.