Modifying a virtual volume

File Services Administration Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number

You can modify the name and email address of an existing virtual volume in the NAS Manager.

  1. Navigate to Home > Storage Management > Virtual Volumes & Quotas to display the Virtual Volumes & Quotas page.

  2. Click details to display the Virtual Volume page.

    The following table describes the fields on this page:

    Field/Item Description
    EVS/File System The EVS and the file system to which to add this virtual volume. If the virtual volume will be added to a different EVS/file system, click change and select an EVS/file system.
    Virtual Volume Name The name of the virtual volume.
    Path Directory in the file system that is the root of the virtual volume; for example, /company/sales. All subdirectories of this path will be a part of this volume.
    Security Mode Displays the File System Security page.
    Total Quota Limits Allocated Displays the total quota limits allocated.
    Total Usage Displays the total usage excluding metadata. Use the fs-analyze-data-usage command to determine how much metadata exists on the file system. It is not possible to determine how much metadata exists for an individual virtual volume.
    File Count Displays the file count. For virtual volume quotas, the root of the virtual volume counts as belonging to the virtual volume - therefore an empty virtual volume displays a file count of one.
    Email Contacts Displays existing email contacts.
    View Corresponding Share Displays the corresponding shares.
    View Corresponding Export Displays the corresponding exports.
    Data Migration Paths Displays the Data Migration Paths page.
  3. To modify the virtual volume name, enter the new name.
  4. To add new email contacts, enter the email address and click add. To delete an existing email address, select the address from the list and click x.
  5. Click OK.