In addition to the space required for the ondisk component (for example, 45 GB) of the dedupe index, a conversion process may also require additional scratch space that is normally carved out of the underlying partition when the file system is first formatted or expanded. It will not utilize storage from the free space available on the file system (for example, free space reported by df).
If you receive the
following failure message during the dedupe conversion process, this indicates
that additional scratch space needs to be setup.
2013-03-11 09:15:49.744-04:00 1 MMB1 fs-convert-to-support-dedupe request for evs12-fs-d01-tgt: Checking if sufficient space is free on target file system... 2013-03-11 09:15:49.744-04:00 1 MMB1 fs-convert-to-support-dedupe request for evs12-fs-d01-tgt: Scratch space requires 4.21 GB. 2.31 GB is available. 2013-03-11 09:15:49.744-04:00 1 MMB1 fs-convert-to-support-dedupe request for evs12-fs-d01-tgt: Expand the file system size before re-submitting the conversion
You can resolve this issue by expanding the file system. Usually one chunk is all that is required. Any storage beyond what is required for the scratch space from the chunk will be made available to the file system. Once this has been done, you can retry the conversion process.