Converting a file system to enable dedupe

File Services Administration Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number
You can convert an existing file system to support and enable dedupe. After the conversion process takes place, the file system is dedupe-enabled. Converting a file system can take some time and it is recommended that you plan accordingly for the conversion time. It is recommended that you convert one file system at a time. See the fs-convert-to-support-dedupe man page for important information and considerations before starting the conversion process. For example:
  • The file system should be in an unmounted state.
  • The file system must have sufficient space.
  1. Navigate to Home > Storage Management > File Systems > Dedupe File Systems. The Deduplication page appears.
  2. Select Not converted file systems from the Show list to display file systems do not have dedupe support enabled.
  3. Click Filter.
  4. The system displays the file systems that need conversion in order to be dedupe-enabled
  5. Fill in the check box next to the file system to convert. It is recommended that you one file system at a time.
  6. Click Convert and read the messages in the dialog that appears.
  7. After you have read the message and ensure that you want to proceed with conversion, click OK.
  8. Click Active Tasks to view the current conversion status.
    After the conversion is done, the file system is dedupe capable and the file system is now queued for a full dedupe run. The dedupe process will start when the file system is queued for dedupe. The Status column displays Enabled.

    If the status remains in the Needs Conversion status, check the Events page. Navigate to Home > Status & Monitoring > Event Log. This log reports any conversion errors. For example, an error may occur if there is not sufficient space for the file system to be converted or if the user-data-write-policy of the file system is set to anything other than never-overwrite. See the following CLI man page for more information:
