Enabling and disabling system lock for a file system

File Services Administration Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number
  1. Navigate to Home > Storage Management > File Systems.
  2. Select a file system and click details to display the File System Details page.
  3. In the Syslock field, toggle the enable/disable button as appropriate.

    When the file system is in System Lock mode, the Status changes to Syslocked, the System Lock status becomes enabled, and the Enable button becomes Disable.

    When System Lock is enabled for a file system, NDMP has full access to the file system and can write to it during a backup or replication, but the file system remains in read-only mode to clients using the file service protocols (NFS, CIFS, FTP, and iSCSI).

    When viewing the details of a read cache, the System Lock’s enable/disable button is not available.