Adding iSCSI logical units

File Services Administration Guide for Hitachi NAS Platform

Part Number

You can add iSCSi Logical Units in the NAS Manager.

  1. Navigate to Home > File Services > iSCSI Logical Units and then click add to display the Add iSCSI Logical Units page:

    The following table describes the fields on this page:

    Field/Item Description
    EVS/File System Displays the Virtual Server and file system on which to create the Logical Unit.
    change Click to open the Select a File System page where you can select a different file system.
    Alias The name of the logical unit. The maximum number of characters is 255.
    Path to File The path where the logical unit resides. browse can be used to assist in finding the desired path of a predefined Logical Unit.
    File Already Exists Choose this option if the file already exists.
    Create File Choose this option if the file does not exist.
    Size Size of the LU. This value cannot exceed the amount of available free space on the configured file system.
    Create path to file if it does not exist Creates the path specified in the Path to File field.

    Allows you to provide descriptive information about the Logical Unit.

    iSCSI Targets

    Advances you to the iSCSI Targets page, which allows you to add, modify, and delete iSCSI Targets. iSCSI Targets appear to iSCSI initiators as different storage devices accessible over the network.

  2. If necessary, change the EVS and/or file system.
    The EVS name displayed indicates the EVS and file system to which the LU will be added. Click change to select a different EVS or file system.
  3. Specify the Logical Unit alias.
    In the Alias field, enter a name for the LU.
  4. If the path to the file already exists, specify the path to the Logical Unit. When entering a path for an LU file that already exists, use the following procedure:
    1. Choose the file.
      Click browse to display a dialog that will allow you to select the file for the LU. Alternatively, you can enter the path name of the file (including the extension) and not use the browse button.
    2. Select the File Already Exists radio button.
    3. Optionally, add a comment.
      Using the comment field, you can provide descriptive information about the LU.
    4. Save the Logical Unit definition.
      Click OK to add the LU.
  5. If the path to the file does not already exist, specify to create the path to the Logical Unit. There are several steps to complete when creating a new file for use as an LU:
    1. Choose the path for the file.
      Click browse to display a dialog that will allow you to select the directory for the LU file. The name of the file as well as the directory need to be specified. The file does not need an extension; iscsi is appended automatically. Alternatively, you can enter the file name and path (including the extension) and not use the browse button.
    2. Select the Create File radio button.
    3. Specify the logical unit size.
      Using the Size field and the drop-down list, specify the size of the LU file.
    4. Fill the Create path to file if it does not exist check box.
    5. Optionally, add a comment.
      Using the Comment field, you can provide descriptive information about the LU.
    6. Save the logical unit definition.
      Click OK to add the LU.