Backup management table volume data

Mainframe Cyber Resiliency User Guide

Part Number

The following shows recovery steps when backup Automator service fails while backing up management table volume data.

  1. Confirm the task ID of failed task. Open the Automator Task Detail dialog of the failed task, and then confirm the Task ID in the Summary tab.
  2. Check the target management table lock status. On the open server, go to the CR-Scripts-installation-folder and run the following command. For <PolicyGroupName>, specify the value of the Policy Group Name on the Results tab.
    .\Get-LockedMgmtTable.ps1 -PolicyGroupKey <PolicyGroupName> | format-list
  3. Check the command result.
    • If the value of the CallerId is the same as the task ID identified in step 1, go to step 4.

    • If the value of the CallerId is a different value than the task ID identified in step 1, wait for a while and then go back to step 2.

    • If nothing is output, go to the CR-Scripts-installation-folder and run the following command using the task ID identified in step 1 to lock the target management table.

      .\Lock-MgmtTable.ps1 -PolicyGroupKey <PolicyGroupName> -CallerId <Task ID>

      And run the following command to confirm the target management table is locked. Make sure that the CallerId value is the same as the task ID identified in step 1.

      .\Get-LockedMgmtTable.ps1 -PolicyGroupKey <PolicyGroupName> | format-list
  4. Check the Mount status (for example, Windows Disk Management or list volume command of diskpart command tool). If the status is Mount, then perform Unmount as follows.
    1. In CR-Scripts-installation-folder\cr_config.psd1 file, store RootDirForMountPoint and MountPoint of the target PolicyGroup.
    2. Go to the CCI-installation-folder.
      (For example, C:\HORCM\etc\)
    3. Run the following command:
      raidscan -x umount <RootDirForMountPoint value>\<MountPoint value of the target PolicyGroup>
  5. In CR-Scripts-installation-folder\cr_config.psd1 file, store the values of MgmtTableVolumeInfo.StorageId, MgmtTableVolumeInfo.LdevId and MgmtTableVolumeInfo.MuNumber of the target PolicyGroup.
  6. Set up the storage connection.

    For <StorageId>, specify the value of MgmtTableVolumeInfo.StorageId. For <StorageUserName>, specify the storage user name corresponding to the <StorageId>.

    .\Set-CMCredential.ps1 -StorageId <StorageId> -UserName <StorageUserName>

    Enter the storage user password.

    .\Connect-CM.ps1 -StorageId <StorageId> -UserName <StorageUserName>
  7. Run the following command. For <LdevId>, specify the value of MgmtTableVolumeInfo.LdevId. For <MuNumber>, specify the value of MgmtTableVolumeInfo.MuNumber.
    .\Resync-TIPair.ps1 -LdevId <LdevId> -MuNumber <MuNumber> -Idempotent
  8. Confirm that the status of all resynchronized pairs are PAIR. (See Check the status of all target pairs)
  9. Run the following command. For <LdevId>, specify the value of MgmtTableVolumeInfo.LdevId. For <MuNumber>, specify the value of MgmtTableVolumeInfo.MuNumber.
    .\Split-TIPair.ps1 -LdevId <LdevId> -MuNumber <MuNumber>
  10. Perform Mount.
    1. Go to the CCI-installation-folder.
      (For example, C:\HORCM\etc\)
    2. Run the following command.
      inqraid -CLI $Volume -fv -sort
    3. Find DEVICE_FILE which has LDEV ID same as management table.
    4. Run the following command.
      raidscan -x mount <RootDirForMountPoint value>\<MountPoint value of the target PolicyGroup> <DEVICE_FILE value>
  11. Delete the cr_credentials.xml in CR-Scripts-installation-folder folder.
  12. Unlock the management table. See Unlock the retained management table lock.