Return codes of Universal Volume Manager operation commands

Mainframe Cyber Resiliency User Guide

Part Number
The following table describes return codes of YKDEXDEV, YKREXDEV, and YKQEXDEV.

YKDEXDEV command return codes

Return code Description

The module cannot be loaded. Possible factors include:

  • The library data set is not concatenated.
  • Protected by RACF®.
-1 An interrupt occurred while the REXX exec was running.

The request to disconnect the external volume was accepted.

32 There is an I/O error. This includes:
  • External volume is not disconnected.

40 An error occurred while reading or writing the REXX variable.
44 Abnormal termination due to internal factors such as insufficient space.
48 Terminated with an invalid parameter.
128 Abnormal termination. The user does not have permission to run this command.

YKREXDEV command return codes

Return code Description

The module cannot be loaded. Possible factors include:

  • The library data set is not concatenated.
  • Protected by RACF®.
-1 An interrupt occurred while the REXX exec was running.

The request to reconnect the external volume was accepted.

32 There is an I/O error. This includes:
  • External volume is not connected.

40 An error occurred while reading or writing the REXX variable.
44 Abnormal termination due to internal factors such as insufficient space.
48 Terminated with an invalid parameter.
128 Abnormal termination. The user does not have permission to run this command.

YKQEXDEV command return codes

Return code Description

The module cannot be loaded. Possible factors include:

  • The library data set is not concatenated.
  • Protected by RACF®.
-1 An interrupt occurred while the REXX exec was running.

The connection state of the external volume matched the state specified in the GOTO parameter.

4 The connection state of the external volume was transitioning to the state specified by the GOTO parameter.
8 The connection state of the external volume was not able to transition to the state specified by the GOTO parameter.
12 The connection state of the external volume is in a failed state.

There is an I/O error.

40 An error occurred while reading or writing the REXX variable.
44 Abnormal termination due to internal factors such as insufficient space.
48 Terminated with an invalid parameter.
128 Abnormal termination. The user does not have permission to run this command.