This configuration is done during the implementation phase. Create the management table configuration file by running the following commands:
The following are the examples of the commands:
- Open a PowerShell console. Right-click PowerShell executable to run as administrator.
- Go to CR Scripts folder. Run the following commands:
Run the following commands for the first storage.
Enter storage user password.
.\Connect-CM.ps1 -StorageId 800000000001 -UserName storage_user_1
.\New-MgmtTable.ps1 -PolicyGroupKey PolicyGroup1 -ExportVolumeLdevId 111 -AdditionalInfo @{bcmCopyGroupName = "copy_group_1"}
- Run the following commands for the second storage.
.\Set-CMCredential.ps1 -StorageId 800000000002 -UserName storage_user_2
Enter storage user password..\Get-CMCredential.ps1
.\Connect-CM.ps1 -StorageId 800000000002 -UserName storage_user_2
.\New-MgmtTable.ps1 -PolicyGroupKey PolicyGroup1 -ExportVolumeLdevId 222 -AdditionalInfo @{bcmCopyGroupName = "copy_group_1"}
- Delete cr_credentials.xml.
- Run the following command.
.\Get-LockedMirrorUnit.ps1 -PolicyGroupKey PolicyGroup1
- Close the PowerShell console.