Creating the management table configuration file

Mainframe Cyber Resiliency User Guide

Part Number

This configuration is done during the implementation phase. Create the management table configuration file by running the following commands:

  1. Open the PowerShell console, right-click the PowerShell executable to run as administrator.
  2. On the open server, go to the CR-Scripts-installation-folder, and execute the following commands for each storage system.
    1. Set up the storage connection.
      .\Set-CMCredential.ps1 -StorageId <StorageId> -UserName <StorageUserName>
      Enter the storage user password.
      .\Connect-CM.ps1 -StorageId <StorageId> -UserName <StorageUserName>
    2. Run the New‑MgmtTable.ps1 command for the number of export volumes.
      .\New-MgmtTable.ps1 -PolicyGroupKey <PolicyGroupName> -ExportVolumeLdevId <ExportVolumeId> -AdditionalInfo @{bcmCopyGroupName = "<BCMCopyGroupName>"}
      The following file is created:
      Note: If the command execution is not completed and the file is created, delete the file manually before re-executing the command. You must run these steps for each storage systems
    3. Clean the storage connection.
  3. Delete cr_credentials.xml from the CR Scripts folder.
  4. Run the following command.
    .\Get-LockedMirrorUnit.ps1 -PolicyGroupKey <PolicyGroupName>
    Note: To avoid the backup task from failing while running the verification in parallel, the backup task and verify task implicitly lock the mirror unit number of the snapshot they use. Run the command and make sure it completes successfully returning nothing.
  5. Close the PowerShell console.

The following are the examples of the commands:

  1. Open a PowerShell console. Right-click PowerShell executable to run as administrator.
  2. Go to CR Scripts folder. Run the following commands:
  3. Run the following commands for the first storage.

    Enter storage user password.

    .\Connect-CM.ps1 -StorageId 800000000001 -UserName storage_user_1
    .\New-MgmtTable.ps1 -PolicyGroupKey PolicyGroup1 -ExportVolumeLdevId 111 -AdditionalInfo @{bcmCopyGroupName = "copy_group_1"}
  4. Run the following commands for the second storage.
    .\Set-CMCredential.ps1 -StorageId 800000000002 -UserName storage_user_2
    Enter storage user password.
    .\Connect-CM.ps1 -StorageId 800000000002 -UserName storage_user_2
    .\New-MgmtTable.ps1 -PolicyGroupKey PolicyGroup1 -ExportVolumeLdevId 222 -AdditionalInfo @{bcmCopyGroupName = "copy_group_1"}
  5. Delete cr_credentials.xml.
  6. Run the following command.
    .\Get-LockedMirrorUnit.ps1 -PolicyGroupKey PolicyGroup1
  7. Close the PowerShell console.