Backup REXX exec

Mainframe Cyber Resiliency User Guide

Part Number


Includes the following features:
  • Monitor the backup time notifications through FXotm data set.
  • Resync the ShadowImage for Mainframe copy group.
  • Set the split to ShadowImage for Mainframe copy group.
  • Send notification that the ShadowImage for Mainframe split has been accepted through FXmto data set.
  • Notify the completion of ShadowImage for Mainframe split through FXmto data set.
  • Monitor the completion of Thin Image split through FXotm data set.
  • Send a notification of the completion of the backup processing with the specified backup time through FXmto data set.

Format of parameter data set (YKDDPARM)

Δ1 GROUP(in-system-copy-group-id) 
Δ1 DAD(dadid) 
[Δ1 ROUTE(route-list-id[,{route-label|*}])] 
Δ1 TISPLIT(backup-complete-max-minutes[,{TERM|CONT}]) 
[Δ1 SUSPEND(split-max-minutes)] 
[Δ1 COMMENT(comment-string)] 
[Δ1 URGRP(remote-copy-group-id)] 
[Δ1 WTO({Y|N|V})] 


PREFIX(prefix) GROUP(in-system-copy-group-id)
Specify the prefix and copy group ID for the ShadowImage for Mainframe copy group definition file.
The device address domain ID (DADID) of the mainframe server to which the storage system of the ShadowImage for Mainframe copy group is connected.
Specify this parameter when ShadowImage for Mainframe pair operation is issued via command device for the volumes which are not assigned a UCB address. If you specify this parameter, YKLOAD of the ShadowImage for Mainframe copy group is executed with the value specified for this parameter in the ROUTE operand.

Parameters for identifying delay or error case

Tip: The following delay and error cases describe the detection and action of REXX exec.
Split delay
Detection: Timeout over SUSPEND() value.
Action: The REXX exec terminates.
Thin Image split delay or failed
Detection: Timeout over TISPLIT() value.
Action: The REXX exec continues.
MF‑Plugin schedule miss
Detection: Timeout over TISPLIT() value.
Action: The REXX exec continues.
SUSPEND(split-max-minutes) ~ ((1 - 1440))
Specifies the maximum time in minutes to wait for the ShadowImage for Mainframe copy group's split execution time and transition to the operational suspend state.
If this operand is specified, the REXX exec is terminated if the state does not reach the operational suspend state after the specified time has elapsed.
If this operand is skipped, the REXX exec is terminated if it does not reach the operational suspend state at the next split start time.
TISPLIT(backup-complete-max-minutes[,{TERM|CONT}]) ~ ((1 - 1440))
Specifies the maximum number of minutes to wait for the backup (Thin Image split of the external volume) to complete after the backup request.
If neither TERM nor CONT are specified, the default value is CONT.
If you specify TERM, the REXX exec terminates in either of the following scenarios:
  • If the timeout period is reached, which is equal to the timeout of Thin Image split monitoring.
  • If the backup retrieval fails, which is equal to the detection of Thin Image operation error.
  • If registration of the task to retrieve the backup fails.
  • If an invalid backup time is detected in the FXotm data set.
If TERM is specified and the REXX exec terminates due to the above failures, as Open System Operator, resolve the problem. As Mainframe System Operator, rerun the REXX exec.
If you specify CONT in either of the above scenarios, the REXX exec outputs the message and then moves to the next process, which is the waiting for the start time of the ShadowImage for Mainframe copy group resync. As Open System Operator, resolve the problem. After the end time of suspension period, the recurring backup will be restarted automatically.
If you specify CONT and the timeout period is reached, the backup data at that time is not guaranteed.
When this parameter is omitted, the default value is SPLIT.
SPLIT: This function exits without executing resync of the ShadowImage for Mainframe copy group after split of Thin Image is completed. You must specify this parameter before you turn off the power of the storage system.
RESYNC: After split of Thin Image is completed, execute resync of ShadowImage for Mainframe copy group to exit.
Specifies whether a success or failure message of the backup is output to SYSTSPRT and the console. If this is omitted, the default value is N.

The specification of the WTO parameter does not affect whether a success or failure message of the backup is output.

Y: Outputs the success or failure message of the backup (YK5133I or YK5134I).
N: Does not output a success or failure message of the backup.
COMMENT(comment-string) ~ ((1 - 100 characters))
The contents specified in this parameter will be displayed by executing the Get‑MgmtTable.ps1 or in the Backup Information table. See Viewing the backup list and Properties for mount backup data
If you skip this comment string, you can set the following string as the comment string:
CG (updateid=<updateid string>) backup REXX exec started at <REXX exec start date and time>
When this parameter is omitted, the default value is ATTIME.
ATTIME: Specify this parameter when you want to split ShadowImage for Mainframe with the attime split function. If this parameter is specified, the YKSUSPND command during backup is executed with the ATTIME and ATOPT parameters specified. If you specify this parameter, a C/T ID must be specified for the ShadowImage for Mainframe copy group.
NORMAL: Specify this parameter if you want to split ShadowImage for Mainframe without the attime split function. If this parameter is specified, the YKSUSPND command during backup is executed without the ATTIME and ATOPT parameters specified. If this parameter is specified, run backup with guaranteed consistency of the data on primary volumes because the consistency of ShadowImage for Mainframe is not preserved. For example, Universal Replicator for Mainframe must be in the suspend state and the consistency of Universal Replicator for Mainframe must be preserved when the primary volume of the backup target ShadowImage for Mainframe is linked with a Universal Replicator for Mainframe secondary volume.
Specify the copy group ID for the Universal Replicator for Mainframe copy group definition file. If this parameter is specified, before the backup REXX exec executes a ShadowImage for Mainframe split, check the status of Universal Replicator for Mainframe.
  • If SUSPENDOPT(ATTIME) is specified, confirm that Universal Replicator for Mainframe is in the duplex state.
  • If SUSPENDOPT(NORMAL) is specified, confirm that Universal Replicator for Mainframe is in the operational suspend state. In this case, URGRP cannot be omitted.
This parameter has an effect only if SUSPENDOPT(ATTIME) is specified. When this parameter is omitted, the default value is URSEC.
URSEC: Specify this parameter for a Universal Replicator for Mainframe-ShadowImage for Mainframe configuration in which the primary volume of backup target ShadowImage for Mainframe is linked with the secondary volume of Universal Replicator for Mainframe. When this parameter is specified, the YKSUSPND command during backup is executed with an ATOPT(UR(STEADY)) parameter specified.
OTHER: Specify this parameter for a configuration in which the primary volume of backup target ShadowImage for Mainframe is not linked with the secondary volume of Universal Replicator for Mainframe. At this time, the primary volume of backup target ShadowImage for Mainframe must be a Gen'ed volume. When this parameter is specified, the YKSUSPND command during backup is executed with an ATOPT(NORMAL) parameter specified.
Specifies whether or not to output SYSTSPRT output messages to the console. When omitted, the default value is N.
Y: Outputs messages to the console. TSO/E environment error and parameter error messages (YK5100E, YK5101E, YK5102E, and YK5110E), error messages of the communication function of the backup REXX exec (YK5000E, YK5001E, YK5002E, YK5003E, YK5004E, YK5005E, YK5006E, YK5007E, YK5008E, YK5009E and YK5010E), trace information message (YK5127I), and information of FXmto data set and FXotm data set (YK5128I) are excluded.
N: Does not output a message to the console.
V: Outputs messages to the console. TSO/E environment error and parameter error messages (YK5100E, YK5101E, YK5102E, and YK5110E), error messages of the communication function of the backup REXX exec (YK5000E, YK5001E, YK5002E, YK5003E, YK5004E, YK5005E, YK5006E, YK5007E, YK5008E, YK5009E and YK5010E), and information of FXmto data set and FXotm data set (YK5128I) are excluded.

The specification of the WTO parameter does not affect whether a success or failure message of the backup (YK5133I or YK5134I) is output. (This is specified by the BKUPRSLT parameter.)

If a CLI error occurs and the WTO(Y) or WTO(V) parameter is specified, Business Continuity Manager outputs messages (excluding the YKZ310I and YKZ311I messages) with the same message ID to the console up to 10 times each time a CLI command is run. Check SYSTSPRT to see all Business Continuity Manager messages.

Specifies whether or not to output the contents of the process being executed to SYSTSPRT. When omitted, the default value is OFF.
ON: Outputs the contents of the process being executed as YK5127I message.
OFF: Does not output the contents of the process being executed.
Do not use ON under normal circumstances, as it might cause the spool to overflow with too much output.

Return codes

Return code Meanings
-3 The REXX exec was run in a non‑TSO/E environment.
0 Successful.
8 The ShadowImage for Mainframe copy group secondary volume backup retrieval timed out. Terminated because TERM was specified on the TISPLIT operand.
12 The ShadowImage for Mainframe copy group secondary volume backup failed. Terminated because TERM was specified on the TISPLIT operand.
20 During retrieval of the backup of a ShadowImage for Mainframe copy group secondary volume, an invalid backup time was detected in the FXotm data set. Terminated because TERM was specified on the TISPLIT operand.
24 Failed to register the task to retrieve the backup of the ShadowImage for Mainframe copy group secondary volume. Terminated because TERM was specified on the TISPLIT operand.
  • Open or I/O of the data set assigned to YKDDPARM failed.
  • Open or I/O of the data set assigned to YKDDMTO failed.
  • Open or I/O of the data set assigned to YKDDOTM failed.
  • Failed to execute command or communication function.
  • The state of a Universal Replicator for Mainframe copy pair did not match the prerequisites.

For more information, see the message that the REXX exec outputs.

48 The record specified in YKDDPARM is incorrect.
Prerequisite conditions
  • Configuration file: Business Continuity Manager ShadowImage for Mainframe copy group configuration file
  • Server to execute: Backup server
How to start
  • Hitachi Mainframe Cyber Resiliency and Hitachi Business Continuity Manager to be run on the z/OS® server TSO/E space installed.
  • Assign Hitachi Mainframe Cyber Resiliency REXX exec library to SYSEXEC.
  • Assign a data set describing parameters to the YKDDPARM ddname.
  • Assign the FXmto data set to YKDDMTO.
  • Assign the FXotm data set to YKDDOTM.
  • Submit the job.
Note: The name of FXmto data set needs to follow the naming rule: prefix.MTO.copy-group-id. The name of FXotm data set needs to follow the naming rule: prefix.OTM.copy-group-id. Assign an FXmto data set and an FXotm data set to each copy group. However, if the following conditions are true, you can share the FXmto and FXotm data sets between multiple ShadowImage for Mainframe copy groups. Each copy group attributes does not have to be the same.
  • Secondary volumes of all copy pairs in each copy group are identical.
  • Each copy group is mapped to the same policy group.
  • Backup REXX exec for each copy group do not run at the same time.
How to stop
Exit the REXX exec by entering the STOP or MODIFY STOP command from the console. If the pair operation CLI command is running, stop the REXX exec after the pair operation CLI command completes.
STOP jobname


The following shows an example JCL for execution of YKCRSBUO.
