On-demand backup

Mainframe Cyber Resiliency User Guide

Part Number
  1. As Mainframe System Operator, submit the JCL that executes the YKCRSBUO REXX exec for backup on mainframe server, if not submitted. For a sample of execution JCL and parameters, see Examples of backup operations for mainframe server. For details and prerequisite conditions for YKCRSBUO, see Backup REXX exec.
  2. As Open Server Administrator, create a service for scheduling and backup on Ops Center Automator. For details, see Editing the open server settings for backup.
  3. As Open System Operator, open the submit screen of scheduling service on Ops Center Automator. And add or edit the schedule of on-demand backups by setting On-Demand Backup parameter. For details, see Managing the Ops Center Automator service for scheduling.
    Note: Specify the time of On-demand Backup that does not overlap with the time of Recurring Backup.
  4. As Open System Operator, submit the scheduling service on Ops Center Automator.
  5. When Open System Operator submits the service, an approval request occurs for each Approver. As Approvers, check the approval request of the service for scheduling. If there is no problem, Approvers approve it. For details, see Confirming the contents of the approval request.
  6. As Open System Operator, make sure the executed task on Ops Center Automator has completed without an error, see Viewing Ops Center Automator task details.
  7. As Open System Operator, after time of Effective Date and Time, open the submit screen of scheduling service again, and confirm that the registered period is set on On-Demand Backups table. For details, see Managing the Ops Center Automator service for scheduling.