Creating users using the CLI

Content Software for File CLI Reference

Part Number


weka user add

Use the following command line to create a user:

weka user add <username> <role> [password] [--posix-uid uid] [--posix-gid gid]


Name Type Value Limitations Mandatory Default
username String Name of the user to change the password for Must be a valid local user Yes  
role String Role of the new created user regular, readonly, orgadmin or clusteradmin Yes  
password String New password   No If not supplied, command will prompt to supply the password
posix-uid Number POSIX UID of underlying files representing objects created by this S3 user access/keys credentials For S3 user roles only No 0
posix-gid Number POSIX GID of underlying files representing objects created by this S3 user access/keys credentials For S3 user roles only No 0
For example,
$ weka user add my_new_user regular S3cret

This command line creates a user with a username of my_new_user, a password of S3cret and a role of Regular user. It is then possible to display a list of users and verify that the user was created:

1 $ weka user
2 Username    | Source   | Role
3 ------------+----------+--------
4 my_new_user | Internal | Regular
5 admin       | Internal | Admin

Using the weka user whoami command, it is possible to receive information about the current user running the command.

To use the new user credentials, use the WEKA_USERNAME and WEKA_PASSWORD environment variables:

$ WEKA_USERNAME=my_new_user WEKA_PASSWORD=S3cret 1 weka user whoami
2 Username    | Source   | Role
3 ------------+----------+--------
4 my_new_user | Internal | Regular