Using the fstab (filesystem table) enables automatic remount after reboot. It applies to stateless clients running on an OS that supports systemd, such as RHEL/CentOS 7.2 and up, Ubuntu16.04 and up, and Amazon Linux 2 LTS.
Note: Before you begin, if the mount point you want to set in the fstab is already mounted, unmount it before setting the fstab file.
- Remove the /etc/init.d/weka-agent file.
- Create a file named weka-agent.service with the following content and save it in /etc/systemd/system.
[Unit] Description=WEKA Agent Service rpcbind.service Documentation= [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/usr/bin/weka --agent Restart=always WorkingDirectory=/ EnvironmentFile=/etc/environment # Increase the default a bit in order to allow many simultaneous # files to be monitored, we might need a lot of fds. LimitNOFILE=65535 [Install]
- Run the following comand:
systemctl daemon-reload; systemctl enable --now weka-agent.service
- Create a mount point.
Example: mkdir-p /mnt/weka/my_fs
- Edit /etc/fstab file.
fstab structure:
<backend servers/my_fs> <mount point> <filesystem type> <mount options> <systemd mount options> 0 0
fstab example:
backend-0,backend-1,backend-3/my_fs /mnt/weka/my_fs wekafs num_cores=1,net=eth1,x-systemd.requires=weka-agent.service,x-systemd.mount- timeout=infinity,_netdev 0 0
fstab structure descriptions:
- Mount point:If the client mounts multiple clusters, specify a unique name for each client container. Example: For two client containers, set container_name=client1 and container_name=client2.
- Filesystem type: wekafs
- Mount options: See Additional mount options using the stateless clients feature.
- Systemd mount options:
x-systemd.requires=weka-agent.service,x-systemd.mount- timeout=infinity,_netdev
Youcan set the mount-timeout basedon your preferences, such as 180 seconds. This flexibility allows you to customize the timeout according to your specific system needs.
- Mount the the filesystem to test the fstab setting by running the command, for example:
mount /mnt/weka/my_fs
- To test the fstab implementation, reboot the server.
Content Software for File creates the mounts for the next boot.
The filesystem is mounted automatically after server reboot.