Editing an object store using the CLI

Content Software for File CLI Reference

Part Number


weka fs tier obs update

Use the following command line to edit an object store:

weka fs tier obs update <name> [--new-name new-name] [--site site] [--hostname=<hostname>] [--port=<port>] [--auth-method=<auth-method>] [--region=<region>] [--access-key-id=<access-key-id>] [--secret-key=<secret-key>] [--protocol=<protocol>] [--bandwidth=<bandwidth>] [--download-bandwidth=<download-bandwidth>] [--upload-bandwidth=<upload-bandwidth>] [--remove-bandwidth=<remove-bandwidth>] [--max-concurrent-downloads=<max-concurrent-downloads>] [--max-concurrent-uploads=<max-concurrent-uploads>] [--max-concurrent-removals=<max-concurrent-removals>] [--enable-upload-tags=<enable-upload-tags>]


Name Type Value Limitations Mandatory Default
name String Name of the object store being edited Must be a valid name Yes
new-name String New name for the object store Must be a valid name No
site String local - for tiering+snapshots, remote - for snapshots only local or remote No  
hostname String Object store host identifier Must be a valid name/IP Yes
port String Object store port Must be a valid name Yes
auth-method String Authentication method None Yes
region String Region name Yes
access-key-id String Object store access key ID Yes
secret-key String Object store secret key Yes
protocol String Protocol type, to be used as a default for added buckets HTTP, HTTPS or HTTPS_UNVERIFIED No  
bandwidth Number Bandwidth limitation per core (Mbps) No
download-bandwidth Number Object-store download bandwidth limitation per core (Mbps)   No  
upload-bandwidth Number Object-store upload bandwidth limitation per core (Mbps)   No  
remove-bandwidth Number

A bandwidth (Mbps) to limit the throughput of delete requests sent to the object store. Setting a bandwidth equal to or lower than the object store deletion throughput prevents an increase in the object store deletions queue.

max-concurrent-downloads Number Maximum number of downloads concurrently performed on this object store in a single IO node 1-64 No
max-concurrent-uploads Number Maximum number of uploads concurrently performed on this object store in a single IO node 1-64 No
max-concurrent-removals Number Maximum number of removals concurrently performed on this object store in a single IO node 1-64 No
enable-upload-tags String Whether to enable object-tagging or not, to be used as a default for added buckets true or false No